25: Boys, an Eternal Mystery

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I am alive. I am sorry for the very long delay. I started med school this August and have been swamped. Literally not a day goes by without us needing to prepare for a test or a presentation or a group discussion. It is a miracle we have time to learn new stuff to get tested on or give a presentation about or discuss about T.T

According to Greek mythology, the first humans were created with four arms, four legs, and two faces. Afraid that his abominations would overpower him, Zeus the almighty dickhead decided to separate each of the original humans into two separate parts.

Each part is destined, or rather, cursed to search for their other half.

Dad loved that story. As a child you were confused (though it was mostly because you, a green and inexperienced wannabe biologist, were baffled by the notion of creating a human with two heads and multiple limbs which can exist in perfect harmony as one organism). When you reread the story when you were a bit older, you thought the soulmate thing was silly.

Now you know it's stupid.

Even as you go through puberty in this current body, if you were to ignore the residual affection the Other You has for other humans, your limbic system does not push you to look for your so-called "significant other." Perhaps it's because you are such a remarkable specimen all on your own.

However, it will be a lie to say that "companionship" of the platonic kind does not interest you. Though your loins do not ache with the desire to breed, the truest of true form of humanity inside you seeks friendship.

You thought you had that with Hitoshi Shinso.

You checked with S.I.S.A. for the umpteenth time.

Did he hate you?

You could accept that. You weren't exactly a lovable person, but he should at least have the guts to say it straight to your face.

Why did he insist on ignoring you?

Couldn't he just pour water on your head while you peed in a public stall like a normal angry teenager?

Why doesn't he–

Two voices called your name, interrupting your thoughts. You flicked your head to the side and the interrupters, Ponytail and Big Hands (Momo and Itsuka), flinched at your glare.

You ignored their reaction and asked, "What?"

Your "mentor," a woman named Uwabami who had snakes on her head, snickered, "Now, now, [Lastname]-chan. You have such a pretty face, why cover it with such an ugly helmet?"

"With that logic, I should just walk around in the nude, doesn't mean I want to." You weren't blind, you knew this body was well-developed in more ways than one. Unlike with your original earthly form, Other You lucked out in getting all the conventionally attractive physical parts from your parents' genetics, not to mention the rigorous training which toned the muscles and maintained an elegant, ballerina posture.

The two other interns gasped. You clicked your tongue and removed your helmet.

Uwabami clasped her hands together. "I knew my eyes didn't deceive me. You three are the best-looking girls in the freshmen roster..."

You blocked her out and returned to re-analyzing all past conversations with Hitoshi.

By the time you finished your two thousand eight hundred thirty-sixth analysis, you had found yourself standing in the middle of a photography studio while your fraud of a mentor posed for whatever modeling company paid for her.


You found Momo fiddling with her fingers. "It was a real surprise seeing you here."

"Statistically speaking: not really."

Big Hands cleared her throat. "I don't think we've been properly introduced. Ms. Uwabami had us leave her agency right when you arrived and you seemed so lost in thought that we didn't get a chance to chat."

You nodded and crossed your arms.

Momo: ...

Itsuka: ...

"A-anyway," Itsuka continued when she realized you didn't intend to talk, "Our mentor sure is amazing. She can locate any person anywhere."

"I understand that prostitutes have a similar talent."

Ponytail covered her mouth while Big Hands' eyes widened.

Was it something you said? You really didn't care much for small talk, but they seemed insistent and you needed a break from thinking about Hitoshi.

"Y-you can't say that!" Big Hands quietly reprimanded, red-faced.

Huh? "Why not?" It was the truth though, and it's not like you were judging Snake Lady and prostitutes for their skills. Though if pressed, you would give more respect to courtesans, who can find people without snakes slithering out of their skulls to do all the work.

"Who can't say what?" Uwabami had finished her photoshoot and had walked over to you three. "What're you girls chatting about so busily while your mentor is working hard, hm?"

You opened your mouth to explain, but Big Hands interrupted, "BOYS! [Lastname]-chan is having boy troubles and I was telling her that we should be focusing on the internship right now!"

"Oh, my. Boys, huh? Well, they are quite mysterious creatures."

Preach to the choir.

"I saw the sports festival, I trust that you must be very popular."

In a sense. You could understand how breaking Urarawhatever's face can make you infamous, same with stunning a Todoroki via unsanitary exchange of saliva.

"You are still young so I'm afraid most of my wisdom about love cannot help you. However, I will say this: boys love girls who play hard to get."

Hard to get? Is she insane? Hitoshi was barely speaking to you and now she wants her to have you play hard to get? What kind of advice was this?

"...I fail to see how that will help me. If you have other pieces of advice, or 'wisdom' as you call it, please tell me. I will decide whether it is age appropriate or not.

"So stubborn. Boys don't like women who are too headstrong, you know."

You could sense that this conversation was going nowhere so you blocked her out again to protect your calm.


Time: 10:03

Location: ???

"I failed to contain her," Tetsuya said, he was on one knee and he couldn't bring himself to look up.

Whoever he was talking to merely hummed and swung on their chair, glancing at the giant screen streaming a video of you walking down the city streets with your schoolmates and mentor.

"How interesting," they quipped.


Sorry for the short chapter. I just wrote this to try and get out of my writing slump. I'll do my best to update more!

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