16: The Same Mistake Twice is the Trademark of Underdeveloped Brains

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I didn't actually go home, of course. Not immediately anyway.

Denki walked me to the train station and I went straight to my bunker.

As I donned my lab gown, I put Hitoshi on speaker and told him half the truth: that my classmate ran after me to accompany me to the train. While I worked, I had S.I.S.A. isolate the sound of my machines so I could continue my conversation with Hitoshi without issue.

He asked me for Denki's name, I told him and he freaked out. He gave me a long lecture about high school boys, about their hormones and being idiots. I didn't understand why he had to tell me this. I know teenagers are hormonal idiots. But I liked hearing Hitoshi's voice so I didn't interrupt him, merely humming in acknowledgment every now and then.

I had to cut our call short before midnight. "Go to sleep. I'll feed you tomorrow."

"Fine. Oh, wait, kitten? Can you bring Minerva over when you visit? It's been months since I last saw her."

"I will. Rest well."

I hung up and continued my work until S.I.S.A.'s voice announced through every speaker: "One hour before wake-up call."

Cracking my neck, I removed my PPE and returned to the mansion.

Minerva was sitting still on my desk when I emerged from the closet tunnel. Her amethyst eyes fixated on me as I kicked off my shoes and flumped on the bed.

Ignoring her, I passed out.

When I opened my eyes again, it was with great hesitance. Grieg's "Morning Mood" flutes filled the room and Yumi the bloodhound-nosed maid was pushing a cart towards the bed.

"Good morning, milady. I hope you slept well."

I yawned into my mattress before forcing myself into a sitting position.

Yumi handed me a cup of warm water. "You must be exhausted. I imagine U.A. is really difficult, isn't it?" Contrary to our initial meeting, Yumi has warmed up to me and was fond of small talk as she did her chores.

"Mhm." I sipped on the water, welcoming the warmth on my parched throat.

"For today's pre-breakfast tea, the chef prepared arrowroot biscuits and green tea."


She reached under the cart for a tablet. "And here is today's schedule."

I took it from her with a yawn and a thanks.

My schedule was somewhat less anxiety-inducing than it was before I got into U.A. Tetsuya made an argument to my parents that I needed my own time dedicated to self-study and freed me from a few useless hours of tutoring.

I rose to my feet and threw the tablet over my shoulder.

"Tell Tetsuya that I will be going around hospitals to gather data on resource allocation during times of health crises."

"Ah!" Yumi caught the tablet and then saluted. "Yes, sure! You got it, milady."

"You can leave now. I want to be alone."


She wheeled the cart into the elevator and bowed one last time before disappearing.

I crossed my arms at Minerva. "You're coming with me to visit Hitoshi."

She narrowed her eyes but did not protest, so I washed myself and got dressed in another black ensemble. It didn't feel right to wear any other color.

"We're not taking the bike?" Minerva buzzed in my head as we got inside the limo that chauffeured me to and from the school.

"Not right now." I then asked Mr. Sera, "Please just drop me off at the nearest available grocery store. I want to buy snacks."

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