14: Overwhelming Victory Equals Soul-Crushing Boredom

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Edit: This chapter was previously called "I Know Sun Tzu," but the name kinda sucked compared to the other chapter titles so I changed it lol. 

A/N: I was revising the chapters and I kept reading Ida as "Ay-da," so I've changed the spelling to Iida.

After we reached the "nuclear weapon," Whatsherface kept fiddling her fingers together and sneaking glances at me.

"What is it?"

"I-I just thought that we should think of a plan."

I tilted my head in confusion.

She tapped the tips of her fingers together over and over. "A plan for when they finally reach the room."

Did she not see me leaving bombs on the way here? They were 13 mm in diameter, the size of an average marble, but it's not like I made an effort to be discreet when I attached them to walls and floors.

I turned away from her. "It's fine."


"We won't lose." I walked over to a corner of the room, crossed my arms and sat against the wall. To be honest, I didn't arrive late because of my costume. I arrived late because I ate way too much melon bread during lunch and stayed in the restroom, you know, just in case.

Whatsherface, unaware of my inner battle, knitted her brows together. "But ... "

An explosion thundered across the entire building.

Whatsherface grabbed onto the nuclear weapon. "W-what's happening?!"

More explosions echoed throughout the air, shaking the room.

I sighed and checked the timer on the head-up display on the inside of my helmet. Assuming that All Might sent Team D into the building immediately after Whatsherface and I reached this room, Katsuki set off my bombs in less than five seconds upon entering.

I sighed again.

That fast, huh?

Whatsherface was full-on hugging the weapon at this point. She thought that we were under attack. "[Name]-chan, what should we do?"

"Wait for it to stop."

When the explosions finally ceased, I reached into my belt and threw a device towards her.

She fell off the weapon in an attempt to catch it. "A lipstick?"

"It's a collapsible respirator. Put it between your lips and don't take it off until I say so."

Whatsherface did as I instructed. Once it was in her mouth, the stick unfolded until it covered the entire bottom half of her face.

"C'mon." I gestured for her to follow me.

"Huh? Where?"

"To confirm the bodies."

"Huh!? Shouldn't someone stay here and guard the weapon?"

"There would be no point."

I was too tired to run so it took us five minutes to reach the destroyed hallway, which was flooded with thick, grey smoke by the time we arrived at the scene. Tenya the Tightass was unconscious and unresponsive on the floor.

My helmet scanned him and reported:

Tenya Iida. Code Name: Optimus Prime.

Pulse rate (bpm): 118

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