The Billionaire Affair ch. 2

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                                Chapter Two

 Three days later Paloma was uncomfortable sitting in Lucas’ office. Luckily Ana was beside her bemoaning the pitfalls of being engaged to an important man.

“We have been sitting here for almost an hour waiting for that stupid meeting to get over and I have had it” Ana said jumping to her feet and pacing back and forth “I know Lucas is doing this on purpose, he knows I HATE waiting”

Paloma smiled as she flipped through a bridal gown magazine “Everyone knows you hate waiting Ana, you’ve been vocal about you’re feelings on numerous occasions”

Ana frowned “Just for that I’m putting the bridesmaids in a dress that’ll show your tattoo”

Paloma laughed “Oh, no you wouldn’t, because then I’ll tell about the one you have”

Ana smiled smugly “Michael has already seen it”

They burst into laughter, laughing until tears came to their eyes.

“Oh, Paloma, I am so freaking happy right now, I’m marrying the man of my dreams and want nothing else except children” Ana turned to Paloma “ thank you for all the work you’re doing, and I know that Father tried to pay you what you usually charge and that you wouldn’t accept”

Reaching into her purse she pulled out a check and tried to hand it to Paloma.

“I already told your father no, Ana and I meant it, you’re my best friend and I’m happy you chose me to be your wedding planner”


“No I don’t want more money, I want my best friend to be happily married with at least three children for me to spoil” Paloma laughed

“Well what a sight, Pippin has returned” Lucas mocked from the door way. He had been watching them for a minute and was surprised to see Paloma refuse the money Ana had offered. But then again, she was maid-of-honor and Ana’s best friend. She didn’t want to seem greedy too soon, there was still time.

“I’ve been back for two months” Paloma said looking at the magazine in her hand. Mad again that Ana had talked her into coming. Ana had asked Paloma to organize an engagement party and that’s why she was here so close to Lucas again after ten years.

When she’d rather be skydiving with no parachute.

She was still embarrassed at the accusations he’d made to her and of the way she had melted into his kiss. She had had a huge crush on Lucas when she was younger and had always wanted him to notice that she wasn’t a little girl anymore. The reason her dress for the party had been so short. And the one time he had noticed, it had turned into the worst day of her life since her father had died and she found out her mother was sick.

“Where’s Michael?” Ana asked

“He ran to his office to get something for you” Lucas sat behind his desk

“I’ll be right back” Ana rushed out the office leaving her alone with Lucas.

 Paloma could feel his eyes boring into her but wouldn’t look at him.

“What made you come back?” he asked suddenly

“I was missing home” Paloma stated

“After ten years, you missed home?” Lucas snorted

“Yes and my mother is sick” she said meeting his eyes.

No one else knew that Maria was sick, not even Ana.

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