The Billionaire Affair ch.3

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The Billionaire Affair ch.3

                                   Chapter three

A package was delivered to Paloma early the next morning by courier. It was the contract Lucas had his lawyer draw up. Reading through it quickly, she frowned when she came to the part detailing the amount she would receive when they were done. Angrily she crossed out the clause and signed away her heart. Smiling bravely she handed it back to the courier.

What would Lucas think when he saw what she had done? Shrugging she picked up her purse and keys and left the house. She needed some fresh air and some retail therapy. New pair of shoes always makes her feel better.

Lucas frowned when he saw the crossed out clause, but shrugged it away. She was acting; soon she would be begging him for more. Signing the contract, he handed it to his lawyer “have a copy sent to Paloma”

He went back to work trying to ignore the vision of Paloma in her t-shirt and shorts, but failed. Picking up the phone he dialed his sister, most likely Ana was with Paloma taking care of wedding stuff. He could use a break from being a genius in the business world..

“Wow big brother you actually came!” Ana exclaimed looking over Paloma’s shoulder as they sat in the bakery.

Turning Paloma stared at him before turning her attention back to the piece of cake in front of her.

Smiling at Ana, and waving at Michael, Lucas sat in the empty chair next to Paloma. She was not happy to see him at all. He’d probably interrupted her bid for more money from Ana and Michael.

“You’re just in time to taste the marble cake with chocolate mousse frosting” Ana beamed.

“Are you sure it’s safe to have chocolate around you know who” Lucas said in a stage whisper behind Paloma’s back

“Ha ha, I’ve learned to control myself around chocolate” Paloma said smiling reluctantly. Secretly pleased that Lucas had remembered her fondness for anything chocolate.

“Is that why you were demolishing a bag of M&M’s when I stopped by earlier?” Ana laughed.

Luckily the baker came out with the cakes for them to taste preventing Paloma from answering.

Besides she wasn’t the only woman that loved chocolate.

“This cake is a chocolate cake with vanilla and strawberry mousse” The baker said happily placing four small plates before them.

Standing back she smiled “Enjoy”

Taking a bite Ana and Paloma groaned. The cake was sinfully delicious, making you forget how many sit ups you’ll have to do. But it was so good, it was worth it.

“Wow!” Ana laughed “That is definitely my favorite”

“Agreed” Michael added

“I’m happy you like it, Ms. Reyes told me you favorite ice cream was Neapolitan, so I made a Neapolitan cake”

Ana smiled widely at her brother “Wasn’t that nice of Paloma?”

“Yes it was” Lucas said sarcastically

Paloma mentally shook her head. How could he want her to be his mistress when he didn’t even trust her? And she knew no matter what she said or did he would always believe she was only after rich men. But, in ten years she had only dated one man, which had turned out horribly. The only man she had fallen for thought she was a gold-digger and now wanted her to be his mistress.

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