The Billionaire Affair Chapter 9

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      Chapter Nine

            Another party like the first, but this time Lucas made sure to keep all the men away from Paloma. And it required all of his attention because of the dress she was wearing.

Lucas’ jaw tightened when he noticed Griffin standing by the bar with a beautiful red head that looked familiar. And he made sure to steer her away from the bar every chance he got.

Paloma was unnerved to be in a room full of Manhattan’s elite business minds and about socialite Manhattan had seemed to be in attendance. A few of the ladies made subtle and not so subtle comments to Lucas, but to his credit he behaved as if he didn’t understand them.

This made them flounce off in a huff, and made Paloma smile to herself.

“Would you like to dance?” Lucas asked as the band began to tune up

“I’m not sure if I dare” Paloma smiled up at him “I might get my eyes clawed at by your admirers”

“Is that a yes or no?” Lucas was not about to mention how many of the socialites he had bedded.

“Sure, let’s dance”

Lucas felt eyes on them as they made their way towards the dance floor. Paloma stopped just before the dance area and frowned up at Lucas as the band began to play a popular song. She had been expecting something a lot slower then what they played, but shrugging her shoulders, she pulled Lucas out onto the dance floor.

Dropping his hand she began to dance with the beat, the song flowing through her body as she picked up the rhythm.

After a moment’s hesitation, Lucas joined her dancing. Not caring that they were the only ones on the dance floor, he let Paloma lead him further on the dance floor as they danced. Her body moved gracefully causing the dress to float around her knees before settling, giving him glimpses of bare thighs.

Grabbing Paloma closer they rocked together in the middle of the floor “Your dress is killing me” he groaned in her ear.

Paloma laughed and shook her finger at him “Behave Mr. Titan, I have my reputation to protect” she had felt his hardness push into her stomach.

“I’ll get you back for this torture” Lucas promised as Paloma pulled away from laughing.

“Is that my brother dancing?” Ana asked shocked her mouth dropping open

‘Close your mouth, pet” Michael did it for her “I’m sure your brother knows how to dance”

“Yea, but in public?” she shook her head “Lucas is just full of surprises”

‘Come on let’s join them, I love this song” Michael pulled Ana out onto the dance floor too.

“Look its Ana?” Paloma stopped dancing and waved at her best friend

Lucas groaned and pulled her further away from his sister “maybe she didn’t see us”

Paloma laughed ‘How could she not? We’re the only ones dancing”

Lucas looked around and frowned. She was right, they and Ana and Michael were the only ones attempting to dance. But everyone else was watching. Shrugging his shoulders he turned back to Paloma then frowned when he saw Barrett and his date come out to the floor.

“It’s just gotten too crowded” he mumbled and turned to walk away but Paloma stopped him.

“I thought you wanted to dance with me?” she put her hands on her hips

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