Chapter 17

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Paloma stood at the balcony doors watching the fat flakes drift softly to the ground. The snow had started after she returned from shopping with her mother and Ana, and had gotten heavier till it coated the City streets with a blanket of white.

Sighing into her cup of tea, she glanced at the phone on the table for the hundredth time. Fighting the urge to pick it up and call Lucas. Though he hadn’t called her.

Tuning back to the cityscape, she sighed again. She felt as if she was the lonest person in the city tonight as she watched a couples walk by arm in arm on this snowy night. Turning from the romantic scene, she gazed forlornly at her tree as it sat bare of ornaments she hadn’t put up yet though Christmas was two weeks away.

Placing her cup on the coffee table, she pulled the big box of ornaments she had collected while in Sydney in front of the tree and set about decorating it, though her mind was miles away.


Lucas turned the car off and sat looking up at Paloma’s door as the snow fell heavier by the moment and the wind picked up. He didn’t know why he was here. He had meant to stay away until tomorrow, give himself some time to investigate the photos that Westby had given him.

Instead after hours doing boring paperwork, he couldn’t take any more, and pulling on his coat and gloves, ridden down to the garage, glad he had the SUV brought from Stone Ridge before the snow came. As he drove towards Paloma he wasn’t surprised at all the accidents he saw.

And now he sat in the middle of a blizzard staring at her door like a love sick fool. Taking a deep breath he opened the car door and stepped out into the freezing night running up to her door and knocking.

Paloma’s eyes widened when she opened the door and saw Lucas standing there with snow sprinkled in his dark hair and a serious face.

Stepping back she said “Come in” the secured the door to give herself extra time to gain her bearings before facing him again.

“Nice tree” he turned towards her as she walked into the living room, she looked beautiful bathed in the lights from the tree

“Thanks, mama insisted I get one” Paloma smiled at the tree “Would care for a drink?”

“Uh, no thanks” he took off his coat and place it over the chair beside him then turned to look at her again.

“Come here” his voice was husky with nerves as he watched her hesitate then walk to stand in front of him. He smiled softly when she didn’t come any further.

“I won’t bite” he pulled her into his arms “Unless you want me to” his lips met hers in the softest kiss they had ever shared together.

Paloma moaned into his mouth and melted against him throwing her arms around his neck. Heat spread from her mouth through her whole body as Lucas sampled her mouth thoroughly.

Lucas’s hands moved down her back, over back until he touched her hips, then he slowly pulled away from her until their bodies had no contact, then dropped his hands and ran them over his face.

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