The Billionaire Affair

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The Billionaire Affair Ch.1             

 Chapter One

 “Who would have thought that wild Ana Titan would be the first to get married?” Clarice Turner said cattily to the other ladies around the table.

  Paloma sighed as she sipped her mimosa. Ana and Clarice had a some what hostile relationship. Clarice was mad because of Ana’s height and beauty. Ana was mad because her father expected her to be nice.

Paloma smiled as Ana and Clarice bantered back and forth. It was good to be home, Paloma thought smiling.

She had enjoyed her time inSydney, besides the reason she ran there after graduation.

Her time inSydneyhad matured her and made her into a successful wedding planner, and now she was back to make a name for herself in the States.

“As much as I love trading insults with you Clarice, I’m afraid we have to leave” Ana smiled falsely grabbing Paloma’s hand and pulling her to her feet. Paloma waved goodbye as she was dragged out the restaurant and onto the bustling sidewalk.

“I loveNew Yorkin the fall” Paloma said she pulled her wrap on.

“I love to be away from that cow” Ana grumbled linking arms with Paloma.

“She’s just jealous because you are madly in love and about to get married to a very handsome man” Paloma laughed as they walked towards the Titan limo with a bodyguard by the back door.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Ana asked “we can go for ice cream after”

Paloma laughed “No thanks, I have to go feed mom’s cat” and she would feel like a third wheel as Ana and Michael picked out wedding bands.

“Is Maria still on her trip?”

“Yes she’ll be back in two weeks” Maria was enjoying herself inSpain. It was her first time back since her husband had died and Paloma was happy she was there. Especially at this time in her life. Her mom had wanted Paloma to stay in her small apartment, but she knew Paloma needed more space for her business.

Aunt Celia’s brownstone had just enough space for her to run Weddings by Paloma until she could get her own shop.

“Call me when you get back, we’ll talk about cake” Paloma hugged Ana again and walked away.

Thankfully her mom’s apartment was only a few blocks away. Feeling happy she smiled as she strolled downFifth Avenue. It was good to be back after her self imposed exile from New York. Then her phone rang making her grimace. She knew who it was, Mrs. Eugenia Harriman-Smyth. The Grande dragon ofPark Place.

Dragon, as Paloma called her, had called ten times during her lunch with Ana. Even though Paloma had told her she was unavailable until later that day. But Mrs. Harriman thought that her only son getting married was the most important thing to everybody in the City, and refused to be told otherwise.

Sighing Paloma answered the phone in her most polite voice. Hopefully soon she would the reputation to pick and choose her weddings.

“Of course I received you messages” all twenty of them

“I thought the florist that was chosen was a wonderful choice” The florist was a friend of her mother’s who had recently suffered bad times and Paloma wanted to help small mom and pop businesses when ever she could.

“But she barely spoke English” Mrs. Harriman-Smyth gasped as if shocked by the thought of someone not speaking English.

ActuallyRosaspoke perfect English, but she switched to Spanish when she meets someone she’d rather not talk to. And Paloma couldn’t blame her she’d do the same thing.

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