Chapter 10

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                        Chapter Ten

“This is just what the doctor ordered” Ana smiled as she spun around the hotel room “Sun, frosty drinks, and sun”

Paloma laughed as she walked up to the double doors leading to the balcony overlooking the private beach ‘I thought we were going on a vacation?” Not that she had been too surprised when the helicopter they had got in after their plane ride, and had landed at a Titan resort for singles.

“Hush, this is my pet project, I have designed everything from the rooms to the menus” Ana joined Paloma by the doors “And I wanted my best friend to enjoy some down time after the hellish time I’ve put her through”

Paloma smirked “So that means that this is a non-working holiday right? So I should expect you to join me in a lovely Swedish massage at any given time?”

“Well-actually-“Ana faced burned “There are a few new amenities that I want to add to the experience, and dad always says if you want people to do it, you should do it yourself”

“Uh huh, and what are these experiences?”

“Oh just a few new classes, Pilates, tai-chi, kick-boxing” Ana smiled

“Why do I have a feeling there’s more?” Paloma sat down on the swing heavily.

“Now don’t worry, I would never ask you to do something I wouldn’t do” Ana sat down next to her friend “And one little Strip Tease, or Belly dancing class won’t hurt anyone”

“Strip tease?” Paloma frowned

“Yep Strip tease and belly dancing, every female should feel inspired by their bodies, not ashamed. And think if the owner and her bestest friend are willing to strip then other women would feel empowered”

Paloma shook her head ‘I don’t see how taking off our clothes is going to do that”

Ana stood and grabbed her hands ‘Come on let’s go meet the class instructor Melanie, she’s a friend of Michael’s family. Trust me you’re going to love her class”

Paloma shook her head as she followed her friend out the suite and into the elevator. What will Ana think of next?


“Please don’t tell Ana I went to a singles resort” Michael frowned as a scantily clad red head winked at him as she walked by where they sat by one of the many pools

Lucas laughed “Relax, we’re only here to check the books then we’re on to Greece and the new restaurant” he smiled at the waitress as she placed their coffees on the table.

“That woman over there has no top on” Michael gasped and stood up “I’m going to call Ana I’ll meet you at six for dinner” Without waiting for a reply he turned and hurried into the cool interior of the resort.

Lucas shook his head at the man’s retreating back. To think that Michael was afraid to look at other women just proved how much he loved Ana. And that was just fine with him.

Putting the report aside Lucas took a sip of his coffee and sat back to enjoy. His little sister had done an excellent job remodeling the resort he had to hand it to her. Though she had gone over budget, Ana had been able to open three months sooner than expected.

And now the Bella Ana was the single resort to visit. Picking up the lasts brochure he looked through it quickly then smiled when his gaze landed on the advertisement for three new classes. Strip tease, belly dancing and kickboxing.

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