Chapter 23

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                             Chapter Twenty-Three

Lucas sat in the chair next to Paloma’s bed the beeping of the monitors drowning out his pounding heart. His stare was focused on her stomach as he reeled from the news he had been given.

Paloma had been carrying his baby. Or rather, she was carrying his baby. He wasn’t sure if he should curse the heaven’s or jump for joy. Lucas had always thought he didn’t want children. But now faced with the woman he loved carrying his child he found himself…pleased.

Reaching into his inside jacket pocket, he pulled out the jewelry box he had brought with him. Maria had called him wanting to talk about something important. But they had never gotten the chance. As they rode towards the small café near Paloma’s place. Maria’s phone had rung.

It was Paloma’s neighbor and Paloma was heard screaming but no one could get in. There were no words for how scared he had been as Ramon and rushed them to Paloma’s.

Opening the box, he removed the jade elephant he had brought her all those years ago. He had been a fool to treat her the way he had and he planned on making up for it. Leaning forward he wrapped the necklace around her hand and placed his head on her lap. Closing his eyes his last thoughts were of her beautiful hazel eyes.


Paloma opened her eyes then quickly shut them against the bright lights of the room. Slowly she tried again sighing when she realized where she was in the hospital. She tried to move her leg but something pinned it down. Raising her head slightly she smiled when she saw Lucas asleep.

Raising her hand, she frowned at the jade elephant wrapped around it. Bringing it closer to her face she turned it over and read the small words engraved in the back ‘To PR with love, LT’.

He had remembered about the jade elephant she had her eye on ten years ago. Paloma hastily brushed away the tears that ran down her face. Of all the things she had wanted, the jade elephant was the one thing she wanted above all others. Besides his love.

Her father had given her a smaller jade elephant the day before he had died, and in the move from Florida to New York after his death, it had somehow gone missing.

She fastened the necklace around her neck, kissing it softly before letting it drop between her breasts. Raising her eyes, she looked into Lucas’ blue gaze. Smiling she mouthed ‘Thank You’ not sure her voice would work.

“I’m glad you like it” Lucas sat back “Were you going to tell me about the baby?” it came out harsher then he had intended. He swore silently when he saw the joy leech out of her face and she turned to look away from him.

“I was unsure if you wanted a child” she spoke so low he barely heard her “It wasn’t as if I planned on getting pregnant”.

“Of course not” he got up and sat on the bed next to her “I’m happy about the baby” he smiled when she turned to him in surprise.

But his face sobered instantly “I’m sorry, pippin” he said lowly “I let my past experience’s taint what we had. I have behaved like the biggest ass on Earth and I could never say sorry enough” he stood and walked to the window standing there looking out as he got his thoughts together.

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