Story 8 Friendsgiving

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*Jens pov* 

*24th of November 2021* 

It was the day of friends giving and David and I were getting ready. We had bought all the food and were just setting it all out on the tables. I was excited because I hadn't been able to have friends giving last year because of Covid. David hadn't been to one of my friends giving's in years because he lived in New York. He was probably even more excited than I was. I had just put some napkins on the table when I felt his gentle hands wrapping around my waist and his warm body pressed up against mine.

Jen: Hey baby

David: Heyyy gorgeous

Jen: Are you looking forward to tonight

David: Of course I am. When do I get to see what you're wearing.

Jen: Later honey, I want it to be a surprise so I'm leaving it til the last minute.

David: Whyyyyyy. I'm dying to see what you're gonna wear.

Jen: Well you'll just have to wait.

I like to keep David in the dark about these things, It's cute to see how desperate he is to see me in a tiny dress. I went on with setting up the things, David staring at me the whole time longingly. He looked like he was daydreaming.

Jen:  What you doing

David: Just thinking

Jen: About what

David: You

Jen: What about me

David: Trying to imagine what sort of sexy thing you're going to wear tonight.

Jen: What do you want me to wear.

David:  The sexiest thing you own

Ken: Describe exactly what you want.

David:  Ok. Short very very short, Low cut, tight, you in it

This last part made me smile. I hugged him tighter and rubbed my hands on his back.

Jen: Wellll, I'll see if I can make that happen for you.

With that I walked off and went and got in my car. His eyes went wide as he watched me leave. I went to the shops and looked for the shortest, tightest most low cut dress I could find. I found the perfect dress. It was black and it had a slit in the leg. The front was extremely low cut and it looked very tight. I even took a couple of sizes smaller so it would be extra tiny just like David wanted. I took it into the changing rooms in the back and tried it on. The dress only just covered my ass and the slit just made it even better. The front was so low cut it showed off half of my chest and it was really tight just like he asked. I changed back into my jeans and t-shirt and took the dress to the counter and payed. I went to the shoe shop and before I went in I called David to ask him what he wanted me to get. Unsurprisingly he answered straight away.

David: Hey honey. What's up ?

Jen: Hi baby,  I am outside the shoe shop just now and I was wondering what you wanted me to get for tonight.

David: Black strappy heels which you already have in your closet

Jen:  Ok I'll wear some of those then

David:  Yay

Jen:  Is there anything else you want me to get while I'm here

David: Nope don't think so

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