Story 52 That's not something you hear everyday

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Jen and David were in the car on the way to the Ellen show because Jen was going on her show. It was Ellen's last show so she was going to go on the show for the last time. She had a plan but she hadn't told Ellen yet. Ellen didn't know about her and David yet and Jen was planning on telling her today along with the rest of the world.

They pulled up at the warner brothers lot and went inside to find the dressing room. They made sure not to bump into Ellen on the way so they could keep it a surprise. They went inside the dressing room and Jen started getting changed into her dress. It was a flowy dress that went down to just above her knees. She decided to go commando underneath. She took off her underwear and handed it to David.

Jen: Here, this is for you. Keep it safe for me

David: Thanks. I'll keep it very very safe don't you worry

Jen then walked back over to where her dress was hung on the door handle by it's hanger. She took it off the hanger and put it on. She went and sat on David's knee taking his face in her hands.

Jen: This is it. Soon the whole world will know about us and we won't have to hide

David: I can finally take you out on a proper date

Jen: That sounds really nice

She connected their lips and they sunk into the kiss. Their lips were moving in sync and their tongues roamed each others mouths. The kiss got hotter and hotter as they both started to lean back onto the couch. They were breathing heavily and David was ready to rip Jen's dress off when they heard a knock at the door to the dressing room. Jen pulled away from David, out of breath and licked her lips.

She got up and went to the door while David went and hid in the bathroom encase it was Ellen. It was just Chris and Angela coming to do her hair and makeup so David came back out of the bathroom and sat back down on the couch. Jen sat in the chair in front of the mirror and David watched her from behind and she watched him in the mirror. When her hair and makeup was done Chris and Angela left and Jen went back to sitting on David's knee but before she could even kiss him again there was another knock at the door. It was someone telling her she had 5 minutes until she was on. .

Jen: I have to go baby but I'll see you in a little bit.

David: Ok I'll get ready then and come backstage in a while

Jen: I love you bye

David: I love you too bye

She gave him a kiss and then walked out the door and went backstage.

Ellen: And now welcome my first guest on my last show.... my good friend Jennifer Aniston!

Jen walked out on stage and gave Ellen a big hug before sitting down in the arm chair. She was starting to cry because it was then that it really hit her, this was going to be the last time they ever did this. David was now backstage and he was dying to run out there and hug her but he couldn't he would just have to wait. They started the interview asking how the other was and what's been going on in life. To which Jen replied.

Jen: Well, actually since it's your last show I have a little surprise for all of you.

Ellen: Ok what is it

Jen: Just you wait and see..

She got up out of her chair and ran backstage. It was easy to find David because he was stood next to one of the monitors watching her. When she ran up to him he turned around and grabbed her for a hug. She kissed him and took his hand before walking arm in arm back onto the stage. Everyone started screaming at the top of their lungs when they saw them while Ellen just sat there in shock but with the biggest smile on her face. Because Jen hadn't told Ellen about this there was only the one armchair there so David sat down first then Jen sat on his knee and cuddled into him.

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