Chapter 12- At The Café

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Jenny's POV

"Dr. Dr. Jenny please wait" he called out my name from distance
I stopped.
"Can I serve old man rice and soup (chicken soup) to eat..??"  He asked
"Yes!"  I nodded and smiled, he asked me how Mr. Drake was doin '?
I answered him "He looked pale and feeble, but don't worry he will feel good and get better once he eats, so hurry up and feed him... Ummm yeah! We'll be keepin' him under observation for another 1 day."
"Oh okay" he sighed...

I smiled and left to check on other patients...
Few minutes later a nurse came to me and told me that there was an Emergency case, I quickly changed into surgeon's uniform and rushed to the OT, this patient had same problem as Mr. Drake.
We had to do an Atherectomy procedure for him, he was out of danger and was moved to ICU directly after the Surgery.
Dr. Sal talked to the patient's family and explained them about the directives to be followed.

Few hours later... I left the hospital building and saw Gabriel walkin' behind me... I walked towards my car and was stopped by Gabriel, he called my name...
"Jenny, heyyy do you got a second? We need to talk..."
"Yeah sure.." I replied...
He whispered and looked reticent
"Ummmm, ummm Thank you Jenny, thank you so much for your kindness and patience towards me yesterday night or should I say this early mornin' and for today..."
"I wanted to tell you that I've made my decision, I will, I want to serve God, I want to know more about Jesus ... I want him to use me for his glory I truly need to seek him... And I mean it Jenny ."

"I've also decided to stop doin' all the wrong things, doesn't matter what the consequences are..."
I smiled at him.
He continued... "But there's also somethin' else which is equally important that I need to tell you... Can we uhhh ummm talk over coffee..." He hesitantly asked.
"Umm okay sure" I replied.
We went into a café nearby...
He asked me "what would you like to have?"
"Anythin' that you are havingI answered
Funny right???
"Oh okay" he replied and ordered for us...
Soon our coffee and snacks were on our table.
"Jenny please" movin' the coffee closer to me he said
"yeah, sure u too Gabriel..." I replied..

Okay now trust me, I didn't know what  was happening, like we just smiled at each other.
He asked me about how my work was goin', was it exhausting....???
We already finished our coffee and snacks but he didn't say anything.
" Let's go Gabriel..."
"Umm yeah sure.." He hesitated..

"Gabriel, hey look here, hey look at me in the eye... Is there anything that you want to talk about or discuss about with me. Look you can talk... I'm right here and don't worry I ain't goin ' to judge you I never do.... So it's okay, just say it okay... Just let it out... "And I smiled.

" Yeah Jenny, actually there is somethin' that. I want to talk to you about, it's just that I don't know how to put it..? "

" Ummmm, well then let's try this, how about, you close your eyes for a couple of seconds, gather everything u want to say.. And then tell me what it is?"
He nodded, he closed his eyes for like around a minute or two...

He let his breath out, smiled and said...
" Jenny do u remember the first time u saw me?"
" Yeah I do, at cupid's "I replied.
" Yeah right, that was the first time I ever did somethin' right, like before comin' to Cupid's I had this task given, which was supposed to be done, I had to kill someone Jenny, but I didn't, somethin' inside me, told me that it was wrong to kill people, to snatch their lives from them, so instead I let him go and asked him to leave, and go as far as possible.. Before somebody else finds out that he was alive. "
" That was the first time I heard God Bless you my child.... That person Mr. Thomas said it To me When I let him felt good, really good.  He knew me since I was a Teen...."

" That day I disobeyed Old man, dodged his order... I was scared, I tried tellin' him the truth, but didn't get a chance.... Which is y I was scared, what if someone else tells him...only Nath knew about it... He's been with me since I don't know when... We were kids... "

" Later I needed to breath, I wanted to let these things out of me.... I wanted to Calm..."
Ahh I gasped... I was aghast, I gulped my saliva thinkin' and questionin' myself..." Who this man is?, why would his father want him to kill someone..." I was terrified and thrilled....But I didn't stop him... I let him talk and let out everything that was burdened on him and that he wanted to tell me..
He continued..
"So we decided go out and saw this place Cupid's orphanage, it looked beautiful, that day everythin' seemed beautiful... I saw u for the first time Jenny, I kept observing u, I couldn't take my eyes off you... This has never happened to me before, that very day, trust me, that very moment I realized that you were everything I ever needed, I ever lacked, I realized that everythin' was goin' to be okay, I was slowly calmed when I looked at you, the way you played with kids, u talked to them - it was beautiful.
Jenny Look, I honestly don't want to sound like a jerk, but whatever I'm revealin' right now is true, it's reality."

I nodded, told him not to worry, also mentioned that I didn't take him as a jerk...
He smiled and continued...

" I felt happy, I was filled with joy, some kind of different feelin' is what I could feel that day, I never felt that way before..."
" That was the day when I was scared again... Like when Nath said that he couldn't take his eyes off from u and your friend I guess.... He said that He could do anythin for her for the one he took as his sister or 2nd best friend cuz, I'm the first... And the other as his life-partner... He also told me her name.... It's Sarah.... "
" I was scared and was wishing that you weren't Sarah... Cuz, then I wouldn't be able to fight him... But the day U told me your name... My joy didn't know any limits... "

He smiles and chuckles... And sighs a relief
" The next day when I held you by shoulder from fallin' I didn't know that It was you, but when I saw ur eyes, they looked familiar, my heart broke at the fact that you felt dizzy, and felt unwell, I was almost like what to do and what not to do, what would have happened if I wouldn't have reached there in time...but God's grace... "

He looks me in the eye, holds my hand, I looked back in his eyes and he continued..

" I was terrified, when we discharged old man and made him sit in the car, I was terrified at the fact, that what if I never meet you again, never see you again, I felt like a child... That's the reason I sprinted towards your department, straight to your room and called out your name... Just to know that you were there, and you didn't leave... But when I saw you, I couldn't help myself but Hug you, I didn't know that I was sobbin', but I did....!!!"
" The way you patted my back, rubbed my back felt peaceful, it felt like there was someone who genuinely cared, even tho knowin' that we were strangers, yet you were so kind, it melted my heart Jenny, it melted my heart...!"

" I thought to myself, how could someone be so sweet and so humble, so kind, so beautiful and astounding, you are bold Jenny and that fact that there's God's hand on you, rather he always protects you and keeps you in his hands, his blessings, his grace, his mercy is always upon you which is amazing Jenny...!!!"
" Praise God for that, and I'm so thankful that he created you...!!! "

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