Chapter 23- Hey Jenn...!!!

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Jenny sighed happily and sat beside Gabe.
She didn't wanted to wake him up, so she let him rest and waited for him to wake up.
After an hour Gabriel woke up.
He sat straight and Found Jenny sitting beside him.
"Hey Gabe you finally up, how was your nap or should I say sleep?" she chuckled.
"Ummm... Uhhh... Yeahhhh.. Sorry, it was nice. I mean it was a good nap Jenn."
"But tell me how long have you been sitting here?" asked Gabriel.

" Well after talking to patient's family. I sat here.... So I think it's been around 30 minutes since I'm out of surgery and sitting beside you" Said Jenny.
She giggled.
"Wait! what?... Ummmm... I'm sorry, yeahhhh you are still in your surgery's clothes. Well, why didn't you go and change till now... Then...???" asked Gabriel.

" I thought that u would soon wake up, but u you didn't, I even thought of changin' and then comin' back.... But then on the second thought... I didn't wanted to leave you here all by yourself... Because if u wake up and see OT empty.... U'll obviously be worry....
So simple... I didn't wanted u to be worried... Soooo I ended up sittin' here the whole time. ". Answered Jenny.
Gabriel smiled to himself.
" well, Gabe let's get goin'... Soon its going to turn dark. And tomorrow onwards the programme training of yours is goin' to start, right?? "
Asked Jenny.

" Yeah tomorrow onwards" answered Gabriel.
" Okay I'll be quick, give me 10 minutes to pack up everything then we'll leave okay.... I'll be back..." said Jenny walkin' fast towards the lift heading to her room.

Jenny quickly changed and packed all the stuff, makin' sure to separate the discharged patients files from the admitted ones.
She locked her room and left.

Gabriel and Jenny walked out of the hospital building into the parkin ' lot.
Sat into the car and were off to home.

"Gabe I thought I told you to go back at your place why didn't you go...?"
asked Jenny.
"Umm... About that, Jenn I didn't wanted to leave you alone.... Cuz today we drove together so I wanted us to go back together... It was more good and better to stay here and wait for you instead of goin' back and bein' worried about how you were or how u reached back home or did u even reach home or not.
So I wanted to stay back for you... "
" Aww, Thanks that was really sweet of you Gabe. "
" But trust me now you need to take care of yourself.... U need to have good sleep as well... Cuz training's goin ' to be a little tiring and hectic. Okayyy so be prepared... "said Jenny.

" Yes ma'am, I will be prepared for anythin' that comes my way... I'll work hard and will take care of myself too. "
Teasingly said Gabriel.

" okay cool 😎 " said Jenny.

They reached Jenny's Gate.
Gabriel dropped Jenny and said " Jenn I'll see you in the hospital tomorrow.
Take care okay! "
" Yeah see you, drive safe, and sleep well, and yeah u too take careee... " said Jenny.
Jenny walked in from the gate, Gabriel took off for Haveli.

As soon as Jenny reached her bedroom she jumped in her bed....
To herself -" wowwww it's been so good to see Gabriel grow from what he was to what he is.... Thank you God, you are great and a good God.
" Why do I think that I like Gabe too, I mean the way he lifted me twirled around, expressed his happiness with so innocence made my heart melt."
" It felt so awesome to see him pray.... That's a big change here... All praise to God."
"The way he talks with me, hugs me feels special, the way he kissed me forehead was so pure and nice. It felt good.
I feel happy when I see him happy"
"God I don't know what this is... But plz let me understand... Plz...." And she fell asleep.
* * *
As soon as Gabriel reached Haveli, he sprinted up towards his room, got in and layed in the bed thinking about all that happened today... Suddenly he felt happier and good about the Job.
He remembered Jenny's face... How happy she looked when she heard the news, that was so genuine and innocent, He remembered kissin' her forehead... Gabriel blushed, he thought about how he lifted her... And hugged her... How she waited for him to wake up and didn't wake him up....aannnddd He fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed.

* * *

Next mornin' Jenny drove hospital with Sarah, she parked her car and ambled her way to her department while Sarah to hers.

Gabriel drove to the hospital.... And was already in his training....

* * *

Some days Jenny and Gabriel worked together and some days they couldn't even meet each other... They all hanged on sunday, Tuesday's Youth meeting went so good.
Gabriel was baptized, he accepted God as his Saviour, he accepted Jesus, and it was beautiful to watch and see him confess..!!!
God worked in his own way... Gabriel started singing the songs.... His voice was beautiful and euphonious....
Soon he grew and grew, more and more in Christ.
He was now a part of Church choir.
He was a part of praise worship team...
He left Haveli and Oldman, everyone else back...
He stayed at Jenny's as, he still didn't have flat. Jenny supported him and they had each other's back. Gabriel was a gentle man. They worked together. While Sarah moved back to her home but used to visit once or twice a week and used to stay...Nathan used to visit once a while as he was busy handling the business.
Gabriel bought a new bike for himself as he left everything else behind even his car.
He got a beautiful, terrific, good average and sped sports bike.
Sundays used to be at Jenny's after Church. They all enjoyed each others company a lot.
Soon Gabriel became a professor from Asst. Professor.
His salary was increased.

Suddenly on one sunday... When pastor talked to Jenny he said "Hey Jenny dear, when are you goin ' to marry, I wish to see you get married and happy. Why don't you marry Gabriel. He's a good guy. I've been seeing him since the first time he ever came to our church and now look at him... What a great change is that... Every thing he does, he does it with God's grace just like you.... U both definitely make a Happy couple.
I've never talked to you about any guy Jenny... But this guy... I think he's made for you. Think about it. Jenny. "

As Jenny greeted other people she heard this sound from the speaker. Gabriel had a mic in his hand he said " Hey Jenn, I wanted to tell you this... Well I already did, but I also want to confess it in front of everyone in here.
Heyyyy Jennn I love you, I really do... Since the first time I ever saw you, it was one sided but love at first sight.
Since then our ways seemed to meet, as if they were meant to.... Everytime we met I fell for you more and more, even now when we talk I keep falling for you.
When I saw nothin' but darkness there were you bein' the light, everytime time when I was broken Somehow I found ur shoulder to weep on, to sob on, to cry on, and u always prayed for me... Which kept givin' me this satisfaction, this peace, this joy, this happiness, this love, this care.....
Gabriel's voice broke.

He had tears in his eyes, every single line he said was true... Jenny had tears in her eyes....

Gabriel continued....
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