Chapter 14- Got Myself Together...!!!

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Jennifer's POV

"Thank you Jenny for bein' my friend,
Yeah, yeah, sure, u may take all the time you need, I'll be waitin' for you...
And yeah I also know that you are the only one for me."
"I would pray to God to choose me as the only one for you. I hope that it's me."
Gabriel exclaimed and smiled.

Suddenly my cell rang... I received it, it was from the hospital, they needed me as soon as possible for some emergency case...

We both rushed back to the hospital...
Me and the team treated the patient, it took us 2hours to get the operation done and to bring him back to normal.
This patient was shifted to the ICU too...

I was all exhausted, I had no energy... I walked out of the OT, Gabriel stood outside, he came running and said "u look pale Jenny, come on let's get you something to eat."
I told him "yeah sure but before that let me check on other patients so that I'll be rest assured to eat... And then I'll directly go home after havin' meal with you."
He told me "be careful, u look pale...
I'll wait for you outside your room until you are done with checkin' on patients."

I checked on other patients as soon as possible. They did well. I was happy to see them feel better. I thanked God.

I walked into my room after checkin' on all my patients, changed into casuals, while Gabriel waited outside my room.
Before walkin' out I drank few sips from the Glucose orange juice and then we headed towards the hospital's canteen.
There were few tables empty... So we Sat on the table with 2 chairs, he ordered for us (chicken sandwiches and coffee).
He insisted on payin'.... I was convinced when he agreed on me payin' the next time.

"Thank you so much for the meal Gabe.." I exclaimed.
He looked at me in surprise and asked me to repeat.
I repeated "Thank you so much for the meal Gabe."
He repeated Gabe and looked happy he chuckled.
"Yeah! Gabe I exclaimed, can I call you Gabe, if that's okay with that's my habit to break names..." I laughed..

"Yeah, yeah, of course, sure, please..." He exclaimed "Gabe sounds awesome."

We exchanged our numbers. I saved it as Gabe. After the meal was done. We waved at each other.
And I left for home. While he walked back into the hospital to see Mr. Drake.

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Gabriel's POV

That day when Jenny waved at me and drove out from the parkin' lot, I felt better also knew that now or never and I was sure that today itself I would tell her everything about the way I feel for her, things happened before I met her and the things happened after meeting her.

Early mornin' mum came to the hospital, to spare me and Nath sometime to rest.
She told us to go back home and rest well for few hours.
We left, I told Nath, about what had happened in the parkin' lot on the way while headin' back to Haveli.
He smiled and patted on my shoulder, he looked drowsy...
We reached, he rushed to his home while I walked inside towards my bedroom.

I was tired and exhausted, I had to hit the hay, I needed to relax myself and have some sleep like atleast for 4-5 hours. I threw myself on the bed and yeah... Had to think bout' what had happened earlier, like how could you not think about it, the way she embraces and cares, it's so beautiful, peaceful.. It's amazin'..... Aaaannnnddd I slept.....

In the mornin' when sun shined on my face... Obviously I didn't wanted to wake up yet, I needed more sleep, so I slipped under my blankets coverin' my face and hiding it from sun, I was asleepppp.

I woke up around 10:30am, rang the bell for a maid, I told her to prepare somethin' light for old man, so that he could eat it, and could digest it easily.
I told -"please prepare some rice and chicken soup for old man, so that he could gulp it down easily."
"Yes Gabriel baba" She said and left.
While I paced around in my room for sometime....
Got into shower, undressed myself and relaxed myself under the soothing warm water.
While Takin' shower a lot of things rushed and were running into my mind.
So I finally decided not to work for Old man anymore, not doin' anything wrong anymore, not Killin' anyone anymore.
But knowin' God, growin' in his presence, seeking him, all I thought was bein' true to myself and bein' true to God and with Jennifer.

Got out of the shower, dressed up.
I didn't wanted to bother Nath, or disturb his sleep, so I didn't call him, I let him rest, he's been doin ' a lot for me... He looked so tired yesterday.
I walked into the kitchen ate omelet which the maid had prepared for me... While she also packed the meal for old man.
Around 11:30am I left for the hospital.

As I reached the hospital and walked in the hospital building. I saw Dr. Jenny leavin' the ICU, with a nurse.
I sprinted and called out her name from distance.
She stopped I asked her if I could serve rice and soup for old man.
"Yes! That'll be good." She replied and smiled.
I asked her how old man was doin', she answered that he looked pale and feeble, she also told me not to worry, and said that he will feel better once he eats somethin', he'll look good too... She also mentioned that they will be keepin' him under observation.

I nodded and smiled at her. She smiled back at me.
I walked inside the ICU, served meal to Old man.... He looked happy to see the meal I brought for him, he was happy and indeed he looked good after havin' meal.
I walked out the ICU to get the dishes cleaned, I saw Jenny rushin' towards OT.

Later after cleanin' the dishes, I told the nurse that Old man has eaten his meal. So she came with me into the ICU, walked towards the desk where the monitor was attached, there was a prescription prescribed from Dr. Jenny about his medications... She checked it, and brought the medicines, she gave him the medications.
I sat next to Old man. Later he was asleep... He was restin' well.
After few hours I walked out the ICU.... And stood at the building entrance... I was talkin' with Nath on a call... He asked me where I was... So I told him that I was at the hospital.

Few minutes later Dr. Jenny walked past me... I walked behind her... When we reached the parkin' lot. I called out her name... She stopped...
I asked - "Jenny hey, do you got a second, we need to talk."
"Yeah sure" she replied.

I thanked her for bein' kind to me last night.. Also told her about my decision regardin' I was ready to change and work for God, to serve him, to seek him more and more. I told her that I was ready no matter what the consequences were.
She smiled at me.. And encouraged me...
I also told her That there was somthin' else that I wanted to talk about over coffee.
She agreed to talk.
So we went into a Café nearby.
I ordered.... Coffee and some snacks.

Trust me I didn't how how to start... We just smiled..
I asked her about her work...
She told me that it was goin' great...
Even when Our snacks were finished I couldn't get myself together to tell her...

I think she knew that I wanted to tell her somethin' so she told me let out everything and said that she won't judge me...
I told her That I didn't know how to put it.
So she asked me to close my eyes and gather everything that I wanted to tell her...
I followed her instructions and decided on telling her about everything that happened on the day I saw her and after that till this moment....

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Thank you guys

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