pick you up

779 22 4

tw: body checking (very brief)

Jaxon sighs as he steps onto the bus. He takes his normal seat, pulling his knees up to rest against the seat in front of him. He had his earbuds in playing his music as he stared out the window.

He feels his phone vibrates and looks down at it. He smiles when he sees Shawn had texted him.

From Shawn Rick-Williams: meet @ library b4 class

Jaxon smiles and sits up in the seat texting him back.

Shawn smiles as he reads Jaxon's response before shoving his phone back into his front pocket.

From Jaxon: okay :)

Once getting to school, he quickly stopped to grab his textbook from his locker before making his way to the library.

He peaks his head in and sees Shawn slouched over in a chair, sitting next to Gavin and Mia.

He smiles and starts walking toward them. Jaxon takes a seat next to Shawn, before bumping him with his knee. "Sit up. Stop manspreading so much."

Shawn chuckles and sits up.

Mia looks over at Jaxon. "Hey, babe. What took so long?"

Jaxon frowns. "Back to bus rides."

Gavin furrows his brows and looks over. "You can't drive?"

Jaxon blushes and looks down at his lap. "Uhm. I'm...I'm working on it. I have a learner's permit."

Gavin raises his eyebrows and Mia smacks him on the shoulder. "Be nice. It's not a race. He doesn't have to know how to drive."

Shawn tilts his head at Jaxon. "Parents don't take you?"

"Uh no...And even if they could I'd rather them not." Jaxon taps his textbook.

The bell rings, causing a collective groan from the entire student body. Gavin stands up and interlocks his fingers with Mia's. "See ya."

Shawn waves at him before turning to Jaxon. Jaxon starts walking, now knowing their routine.

Shawn walked Jaxon to first, second, third, and fourth periods. They met up in the west wing of the hallway to walk to Shawn's car for lunch. Then, they meet in the bathroom to say bye at the end of the day.

Shawn grabs Jaxon's textbook, something he did regularly. "Hey, you wanna catch a ride with me?"


"I could pick you up...Drop you off. It could be fun."

Jaxon smiles and shakes his head. "I love the offer but...I wouldn't be able to pay you money and that's...That's a lot of commitment."

"No, it's not. Says who? I'll just get up for school earlier. And maybe we can stop and get your little brain some caffeine."

Jaxon giggles and shrugs his shoulders.

"Tell you what. We'll do a trial run tomorrow. I'll pick you up at around...Seven. We'll see how it goes, okay?"

Jaxon nods. "Okay," He reaches up, "Give me my textbook!"

The next morning, as promised, Shawn woke up earlier than he usually does so he can pick Jaxon up.

Jaxon had already been up for about an hour trying to figure out what to wear.

Everyone had a crush on Shawn Rick-Williams. But Jaxon's small petty, 'oh he's cute' crush had turned into so much more.

He was more crushing on his kindness and sensitivity. His compassion and willingness. And plus, he's super fucking hot.

Jaxon looks in the mirror, turning to the side. He groans and slides the hoodie off himself before throwing it down.

He stares at his bare chest in the mirror and frowns before he opens his dresser drawer and looks through his shirts before settling on a black long sleeve.

He shakes his head, hating the way his arms looked. He grabs the ends of the shirt, tightening the shirt around his body and sighing.

He throws that shirt off before grabbing the hoodie he had on previously and deciding that would have to work.

He grabs a few of his textbooks and walks downstairs.

He sees his mom doing Crystal's hair for soccer. "Morning."

"Morning," She looks at her wrist to check the time. "You missed the bus, hon."

"Oh...I have a ride today." Jaxon sets his books down and slides his converse over his feet. He quickly ties them before standing back up.

"Okay? Who and what about lunch?"

Jaxon shrugs his shoulders. "Uh. I'll just grab something at school. I gotta go. Bye, mom."


Jaxon sighs and stops in his tracks, turning around. "Yes ma'am?"

His mom tries again. "Who is picking you up?"

"Just a friend from Calculus."

"Alright. You be safe, okay?"

Jaxon nods. "Okay."

"Love you."

"You too!" Jaxon grabs his lanyard off the key holder. He swings the front door open before shutting it as he stepped out.

He sighs and looks up to see Shawn's BMW parked on the side of their road. He skips down the steps and waves to him.

He opens the passenger's door and sits down. "Morning."

"Good morning, Butler." Shawn smiles at him.

It was very obvious the two were officially each other's crushes. I mean...the way they look at each other? Neither of them was ready to make a move though.

Shawn was leaning over the console. "You look cute today. Who you dressing up for?"

"Mia, duh."

Shawn chuckles as he sits up. "So this is the princess' castle?" He looks out the window at Jaxon's house.

Jaxon rolls his eyes. "More like dungeon."

"So. Coffee? Are you hungry? What are the vibes for today?"

Jaxon hums to himself before nodding. "Uh, just coffee. Promise I'll pay you back."

Shawn shakes his head as he puts the car into drive. "No worries. Got enough to go around."


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