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Shawn groans as he wakes himself up. He squints his eyes at the bright sun shining through the windows. He turns over in bed, looking around for Jaxon but doesn't see him.

Shawn curses and stands up and walks into his bathroom. He quickly pees before making his way downstairs to find some painkillers for his headache.

He glances over and sees Jaxon asleep on the couch, assuming Mia and Gavin were in the guest bedroom. He sighs as he grabs a bottle of pills when Mia walks into the kitchen.

Shawn turns around, taking a sip from his water. "Hey."

"Hey," Mia replies. She looks around the kitchen. "Do you mind if I cook something for everyone? Might be good for your hangovers."

"Go ahead," Shawn replies and moves out of the way.

Jaxon wakes up due to their loud talking in the kitchen. He sighs as he sits up, grabbing his glasses. He stands up from the couch and walks over to Mia.

"Morning," Jaxon says.

Shawn glances at him. "Morning."

Jaxon looks at him for a few seconds. He then grabs Mia's hands, "I'm gonna go take a shower."

Gavin walks into the kitchen as Jaxon walks away to Shawn's bedroom. Shawn sets his cup down, crossing his arms. "What's up with him? And, why did he sleep down here last night."

Mia raises her eyebrows as she was cooking bacon in the pan. "Probably because of how stupid you were acting last night."

"Excuse me?"

Mia turns to look at Shawn. "You let like...Half the cheerleading squad take body shots off of you and then got hostile when Jaxon wanted to talk about it."

"We were partying, though? It wasn't like...Malicious."

"Malicious or not you hurt him."

"Okay, woah. It wasn't a big deal! I let girls do that all the time when I party why-."

"Jesus Christ, Shawn! You're in a relationship now! Doing that showed you apparently have zero respect for your boyfriend. You need to learn that you can't just do shit like that anymore."

"But it's not a big deal."

"Okay, keep telling yourself that. Imagine Jaxon letting a bunch of people take shots off of him. How would you react?" Mia turns away for a split second before turning back. "Oh, and calling him insecure? That was low, even for you."

Shawn gulps and sets his cup down. "I'm gonna go talk to him."

Mia nods her head. "Yeah."

Shawn gets up and walks away from the two. He makes his way up to his bedroom to talk to Jaxon.

Mia turns back to Gavin. "Was I too mean to him?"

"Nah. You weren't mean enough."

Shawn knocks on his bedroom door which was shut due to Jaxon deciding the shower. "Babe? Can I come in?"

"Yeah," Jaxon replies.

Shawn opens the bedroom door, seeing Jaxon digging through his bag to find some clothes. The shower was already running and warming up.

"Can we talk, please?"

"I don't really wanna talk to you right now," Jaxon responds, not looking up at Shawn.

"Okay, then just listen."

Jaxon sets his clothes down and looks up at Shawn. "Okay," He walks away to the bathroom to turn the water off.

Shawn takes a seat on his bed as Jaxon walks back to sit down. Shawn sighs and looks down at his lap. "I didn't...realize how what I did last night would make you feel."

Jaxon doesn't respond.

"I just...Always do stupid shut like that at parties and...I dunno this relationship is new and I don't really know the...rules, I guess."

"You don't know that letting people like your body isn't something you should do in a relationship?"


"You made me sound stupid."

"I'm sorry, Jaxon. I just...," Shawn stands up and groans. He hated talking about his feeling, but he knew this needed to be said. "I don't like change. It scares me. Even being in this new relationship is scary and...It makes me nervous because I don't know how to change."

"So, talk to me about it Shawn. It was so rude to be mean to me and then call me insecure. Especially after everything I've told you about...How I feel about myself?"

"I know, I know. It was stupid and I was drunk. But, I don't wanna hurt you, Jaxon. This is all just new and I don't know how to handle it. But I'm trying my best."

"We need to set boundaries. I love how free you are...And you do whatever you want but some things just...Can't happen anymore."

Shawn sits back down on the bed. "Yeah, I know."

Jaxon finally feels like he isn't as mad anymore. "First rule being, don't let pretty girls take body shots off of you." Jaxon jokes.

Shawn smiles at him. He reaches down to grab Jaxon's hand, squeezing it once. "I really am sorry. And, I didn't mean to call you insecure like that. I didn't mean it at all, I promise."

"Thank you." Jaxon smiles and leans in to kiss Shawn once.


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