late nights

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Both boys were in Shawn's bed, another casual night of ordering takeout, and showing each other their favorite movies before they fell asleep. It was currently two in the morning, the couple having fallen asleep about an hour ago.

Shawn was the first to wake up. He wasn't sure why he woke up, but he knew he couldn't fall back asleep. He sits up in the bed, rubbing his eyes aggressively to wipe the sleep from his eyes. He glances back, and catches sight of Jaxon due to the bathroom light still being on. He stands from the bed, shutting the light off, and walks downstairs.

He lets out a yawn, walking to his kitchen to find something to quench his thirst. Grabbing a water bottle, he sits down on the couch, using the remote to turn on something to watch.

Jaxon woke up a few minutes after him. He sat up in the bed, rubbing his eyes the same as Shawn did. He squinted his eyes as he scanned the room, looking for Shawn. He picks up his phone from where it was charging on Shawn's bedside table, the time now reading two twenty in the morning.

He stands from the bed, yawning and stretching. He first goes to the bathroom, then grabs a hoodie from Shawn's closet before making his way downstairs. A smile creeps up on his face when he sees Shawn sitting on the couch watching cartoons. He clears his throat as he makes his way over to the couch. "Good morning," He says, his throat scratchy.

Shawn turns his head to see Jaxon, smiling back. "Hey, baby." He opens his arms up and allows Jaxon to sit next to him. "What're you doing awake?"

Jaxon shrugs his shoulders. "What are you doing awake?"

"Couldn't sleep. You?"

"Same," Jaxon averts his attention to the TV, Spongebob SquarePants playing at a low volume. He laughs a little, "I love this episode."

Shawn glances back at the TV and nods before throwing his head back. He groans as his stomach grumbles. "I'm fucking hungry." He turns to look at Jaxon. "You hungry?"

"I could eat something," Jaxon responds.

"Hmm. Like a meal...Or a snack?" Shawn asks.

"Uh," Jaxon thinks for a second. "A snack."

"I was hoping you'd say that," Shawn stands up. "Go put some shoes on."

This is how they ended up in the snack aisle of Walmart at two in the morning. Jaxon was looking around, trying to figure out what he wanted to snack on. Deciding between a pack of cookies, and a bag of chips. Shawn on the other hand had grabbed two bags of chips, some candy, and a box of popcorn. "Just grab both," Shawn says.

Jaxon frowns a little as he flips the bag of chips over to read the calories. "I don't know. Maybe the cookies are a safer snack."

"Safer snack?" Shawn asks. He reaches down to snatch the bag of chips from Jaxon, throwing them down into the basket he was holding. "Grab the fuckin' cookies, Jaxon."

Jaxon pouts at him for a second before grabbing the pack of cookies to set in the basket. Shawn nods at him as they keep walking down the aisle. "There's no such thing as a safer snack. Food is food, babe."

Jaxon blushes a little bit in embarrassment as they continue walking down the aisle. "I know," He responds as he grabs Shawn's hand.

They make their way to the self-checkout line. Shawn was scanning the items when he caught a glimpse of Jaxon. "You alright? I didn't mean to sound rude. It's just you can't think like that."

"No, I know," Jaxon nods his head. "I wasn't thinking about that. I was just...Can I pay for the snacks? You paid for dinner...and lunch."

"What?" Shawn chuckles a little. "Absolutely not."



Jaxon rolls his eyes. "I'm being serious."

"So am I," He leans in and kisses Jaxon once. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you pay?" Shawn asks as he reaches down into the pocket of his shorts to grab his wallet. He clicks the Proceed to Pay button on the screen before scanning his card and entering the pin.

"That's so not fair." Jaxon crosses his arms.

"Uh, it so is," Shawn smiles as he grabs Jaxon's arm, making him uncross his arms. He intertwines their fingers as they walk their way through the store. Making it outside, Shawn grabs his pack of cigarettes, placing one between his lips.

Jaxon reaches up to snatch the cigarette from him. "How about you eat your snacks instead of smoking this."

"Where's the fun in that?" Shawn grabs it back from him. "Chill, I'll step out of the car."

"That's not the point."

Jaxon watches as he uses the lighter. Shawn takes a drag as he opens the passenger door for Jaxon. "Here ya go, princess." He watches as Jaxon gets into his seat, shutting the door before walking over to his side. He kept his promise, not getting into the car until he finished his smoke.

He throws the cigarette butt on the ground, stepping on it before getting into the car. Jaxon watches as he gets into the car, throwing his pack of cigarettes down before looking at him. "Satisfied? Want some food or are you good?"

"Uhhh," Jaxon shrugs his shoulders. "Do you?"

"Fuck it. Mcdonalds is open." Shawn starts his car and begins the drive to Mcdonald's.

"Do you do this often?" Jaxon asks. "Late-night food runs?"

Shawn nods his head. "Perks of having a car and bank card." He smiles a little. It was quiet in the car for the ride, Shawn's playlist playing low from the speakers. Jaxon turns to look out the window, the neon lights of streetlamps casting a glow on the roads.

This felt nice. They didn't have any responsibilities right now. It was quiet and dark, not many cars crowding the roads. Shawn had his windows down the tiniest bit, causing a cool breeze to flow through the car. And at this moment, Jaxon wasn't worried about the snacks sitting in the bag, waiting to be eaten. He wasn't worried about what he was gonna order off the menu, or eat in front of Shawn. He wanted to stay in this moment forever.

Approaching the drive-thru, the voice that came through the intercom was a warm greeting. Shawn looks at the menu, rolling his window all the way to order. He places both of their orders, his stomach still rumbling in anticipation.

Pulling up to the window, Shawn uses the same bank card he used to pay for the snacks. He passes the bag to Jaxon, placing their drinks in the cup holders. Shawn sighs, reaching his hand into the bag to grab a handful of fries in his hands, shoving them in his mouth. "Mmmph, Gob, I'm sho hungwy," He says with a mouthful.

"Yeah, it seems like it." Jaxon reaches into the bag and grabs a fry to eat as well.


They made it back to Shawn's house. Shawn had eaten all his fries and half his burger by the time they sat on the couch. Jaxon still had half his fries and a full sandwich. They sit back on the couch, continuing watching Spongebob from where they left it playing.

Jaxon was eating his fries, watching Shawn finish the last of his burger. He smiles a little. "Are you satisfied?" He asks.

Shawn looks back at Jaxon from where he was sitting on the couch. He nods his head. "Very much so." He reaches into the bag of snacks, grabbing his bag of chips before leaning back and joining Jaxon. "This was fun. We should do this more."

Jaxon chuckles a little. "Yeah, I agree."


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