he's doing better

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A couple of weeks go by since the whole ordeal. Jaxon was going to therapy three times a week, as well as meeting with a dietitian. He's gained some control back with himself, finally being able to eat three meals a day.

He'd be lying if he said it was easy, he still had those urges. But, instead of acting on them, he would call those around him. Shawn, Mia, his therapist, and even his mom.

Jaxon bites into his piece of toast, sitting in the kitchen with his family. He looks up at his mom who was stirring creamer into her coffee. "Hey, Mom?"

"What's up, honey? You want something different?" Jackie asks.

"N-No, this is okay," Jaxon nods his head. "I was just wondering...It's been a while since I've been out."

Jackie nods her head and looks over at her husband. "Okay?"

"I was just...I miss seeing my friends. And, my therapist says I'm doing better. I was just hoping I could go out today. A-After therapy."

Kevin lets out a sigh, standing up from the table with his empty plate. "I don't know, Jax. It's only been a few weeks."

"No, I know but...My therapist said I'm hitting all my goals and...The dietitian said I've been gaining weight which...Is a good thing."

"I know love," Jackie starts. "Can you just let your dad and I talk about it?"

Jaxon nods his head. "Mhm."

Crystal, who was sitting next to Jaxon, points to his food. "You're gonna eat that, right?"

Jaxon looks down at his plate before glancing at her. "Yes," He says with annoyance. "I'm gonna eat it."

"You really think he'd want a party, Mia?" Shawn asks. He was sitting on the couch, texting with Jaxon.

"Well obviously not," Mia says. She walks out of Shawn's kitchen, holding a glass of water. "But maybe the four of us could hang out."

"He's not even sure if his parents are gonna let him out today," Shawn says as he looks down at his and Jaxon's text threads. "He's at therapy right now."

"Well if they allow him, we should all do something for him!"

"Like what?" Shawn asks.

Gavin walks out of the bathroom, wiping his hands down on his pants. "Like what, what?"

Shawn looks up at him. "Mia wants to do something for Jax."

"Oh, he's outta rehab?"

"He didn't go to rehab. Just therapy and shit."

"Wait so," Gavin takes a seat. "What's like...What are we allowed to say to him? Like, how do we not be assholes to him on accident?"

Shawn sighs a little. "I've been reading some articles. Most say don't mention anything weight-related or...Food choices or eating habits. Oh, and one article said not to mention anything negative about yourself. I guess eating disorders are like competitive and it could trigger him."

"So like...What if we wanna get food? Do we just not ask him?"

"I mean we can ask him what he wants to eat I'm pretty sure." Shawn shrugs. "We just gotta make sure we don't make him uncomfortable. Like don't ask him if he ate today, just ask what he wants."

"Okay, so we are allowed to like...Eat in front of him?"

"I'm pretty sure we can."

Mia chuckles a little as she takes a seat next to Gavin. "We could always just ask Jaxon what's okay and what isn't."

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