we need to help him

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tw: eating disorder (bulimia + anorexia) . talk of weight.

just a little note none of this will go into great detail about the actions jaxon takes during his ed just because i don't wanna trigger anyone!


Shawn always noticed Jaxon's unusual eating habits since they'd first started hanging out. But since they were now dating, and had been for about a month, he started to get concerned.

He went to the bathroom after every meal, and sometimes hardly ate at all.

He was always really skinny, but lately, Shawn had noticed Jaxon getting apparently even more thin and was seemingly weaker and full of less energy.

The first time his nightmare of what was going on came to fruition was when Shawn woke up in the middle of the night, hearing Jaxon puking into the toilet.

He noticed the bag of opened chips sitting on his bedside table.

Shawn shoves the covers off of his body to walk over to the bathroom. He leans against the door, listening and hearing water running. He knocks a few times. "Baby? Are you okay?"

Jaxon, on the other end of the bathroom, reaches forward and flushes the toilet. He clears his throat, walking over to the sink to rinse his mouth a few times. He then grabs his toothbrush off the sink and begins brushing his teeth.

Shawn, who was still standing by the door, knocks again. "Babe?"

Jaxon unlocks the bathroom door and lets Shawn in. "Oh, h-hey," He wipes his mouth and looks up at Shawn. "What's up?"

"You alright? You sick?" Shawn asks. He reaches out and grabs Jaxon's hand. "I heard you throwing up. Want me to get you some medicine?"

"Uh, no-no," Jaxon walks out of Shawn's embrace to walk back over to the bed. He sits back in the bed, Shawn turning around to face him.

"You sure..? I can go grab you some water or something. Maybe some crackers to settle your stomach?" Shawn asks again.

Jaxon shakes his head. "I'm fine," He gets under the blankets. "Come lay back down."

Shawn furrows his brows and wipes his eyes, wondering if he's in some random ass dream. He walks over to the bed, sitting down. "Why were you throwing up then?"

"It wasn't anything," Jaxon lays his head down on the pillow. "Let's just go back to bed."

The next time Shawn got even more concerned than he already was, Jaxon had passed out after they got back from the mall.

Shawn was sitting with him, a damp cold rag on his forehead. Jaxon blinks himself back to consciousness, looking around the room. He furrows his brows as a raging headache creeps up to his head.

He tries to sit up, though Shawn stops him. "Stay there, baby."

Jaxon shakes his head a little. "W-What happened?"

"You passed out after we got home," Shawn helps him sit up a little behind the couch. "Stay here."

Shawn gets up from the floor, going to his pantry to grab two granola bars. He comes back, getting on the floor with Jaxon again. He opens the package, offering him the granola bar. "You should eat this."

Jaxon looks at it, shaking his head. "I'm fine, Shawn." He pushes the granola bar out of his face. "I think it's just...Too hot or something."

"When was the last time you ate?"

Jaxon gulps and places his hand down on the floor to help himself sit up. "What? Why would you ask that?"

"Because you passed out when we got here. You told me you already ate lunch before I picked you up but how am I supposed to believe that?"

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