i cooked you breakfast

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a/n: leave any suggestions you wanna see (: love ya

Jaxon blinks himself awake. He takes in his surroundings, forgetting where he was for a moment. He looks down at the tattooed hand that was resting on his hip, relaxing when he remembered he was in Shawn's bed.

They'd turned over in their sleep, now they were spooning. Jaxon could feel Shawn's breath on the back of his neck, oddly feeling comfort from that.

Jaxon lets out a yawn and quietly and gently sits up in the bed. He squints his eyes as the sun was shining through the blinds.

He looks back at Shawn who was still in a deep slumber. He smiles and reaches his hand back to run through Shawn's hair a few times.

Then, Jaxon shoves the blanket off of himself and makes his way into the bathroom. He quickly pees, washing his hands thoroughly.

He walks to Shawn's bedside table, putting on his glasses, and grabbing his phone before making his way downstairs.

He walks into Shawn's kitchen, opening the fridge to see what kind of breakfast options he had. There weren't many, the fridge was mainly filled with alcohol and bottled drinks.

Jaxon opens the freezer, seeing there were more things. A lot of microwaveable meals and frozen vegetables. But he did find a box of frozen waffles.

He grabs the box, as well as a pack of bacon from the fridge. If he could, he would drive to the store and get some more food, but he hasn't got his license yet.

Jaxon also starts a large pot of coffee. He thought it was the least he could considering Shawn spent a lot of money last night on their date. The restaurant was very expensive and he felt bad.

Shawn wakes up to the smell of coffee and bacon. He doesn't see Jaxon in bed and makes his way downstairs to join him.

He smiles when he sees Jaxon at the stovetop, cooking something. He walks up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist. "This is something I could get used to."

Jaxon smiles at him, tilting his head to the side. "Good morning, boyfriend."

Shawn smiles and leans in to kiss Jaxon's neck. Jaxon laughs a little, instinctively moving away. "Mornin', boyfriend."

Jaxon reaches to turn off the burner on the stove. "I hope your dad doesn't mind. I thought I'd cook you breakfast."

"Why me?" Shawn moves away to give Jaxon some room.

"You just spent a lot of money on me," Jaxon turns around to look at Shawn. "Thought I'd give back."

Shawn smiles a little. "Seriously? It was really no issue."

"Doesn't matter. Plates?" Jaxon asks.

Shawn points to one of the cabinets. "Over there," He walks over to the fridge to grab some juice. "Sorry, we don't have a lot of options. Dad isn't home a lot."

"No problem. Hopefully, this is enough to tide you over until lunchtime." Jaxon smiles as he plates Shawn's food.

Shawn smiles and grabs two glasses. He watches as he plates one waffle and two pieces of bacon on his own plate. "That's all you're eating?"

Jaxon looks down at his plate. "Oh, uhm. I don't really like to eat much in the morning."

Shawn nods his head. "Yeah but...You didn't eat a lot at
dinner and...You barely touched your dessert."

Jaxon gulps and looks back down at his plate. "Y-Yeah, you're right." He turns back to the stove, putting more pieces of bacon and another waffle on his plate.

He sits down next to Shawn, a smile on his face. He watches as Shawn pours him some juice. He watches the cup being filled up almost all the way, knowing there's no way in hell he's drinking that.


"Hm?" Jaxon looks up at Shawn. He was so lost in his thoughts he hasn't heard Shawn speaking to him.

"I asked how you slept."

"Oh, good," Jaxon nods his head. "Your bed is super comfortable. I slept like a baby."

"So did I," Shawn takes a bite of his food. "So, when do I have to give you back to your parents? Can we spend the day together?"

"I have to ask, but since it's summer and I got all A's hopefully they'll say yes," Jaxon says and grabs his phone.

Then, Shawn's phone starts ringing and he picks it up to answer. "Sup, Gav."

"Hey, man. What are you up to?"

Shawn glances at Jaxon who was texting his parents. "Eating breakfast with Jaxon. Why what's up?" Shawn takes another bite.

"Mia and I were thinking of going to see a movie today. You two wanna tag along? Grab some food after?"

Shawn nods his head. "Sure. What time?"

"Screening is at noon. See you later." Gavin hangs up the phone. Shawn removes the phone from his ear.

"Wanna catch a movie with Gav and Mia?"

"Sure!" Jaxon smiles and shows his phone screen to Shawn. "I can stay another night if you want."

Shawn reads his mom's message.

from mom: of course! you kept your grades up last semester. make sure mrs rodriguez calls us. have fun.

Shawn smiles before looking up at Jaxon. "You sure it's okay with Mia's mom? I don't wanna get you in trouble."

"I'll just double-check with Mia. If not, I can always walk across the street to her house." Jaxon smiles.

God, wasn't that a sight to see? Shawn loved that smile.


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