something else

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a/n: posting this as well today cause i love it


With school finally starting back up again, Jaxon was let out of the house less and less. It was officially one month into their junior year of high school.

Jaxon was at his locker, picking up a textbook. Shawn and Gavin both walk over to his locker. "Wassup."

Jaxon looks over and smiles at them. "Hey."

Shawn smiles a little, winking at him. "Sup, baby." He leans down and kisses him once on the lips.

Gavin rolls his eyes at them. "Get a room, please."

Shawn shoves him a little. "Fuck off," He turns his attention back to Jaxon. "Wanna come over after school? We could order some food and chill."

"Uh," Jaxon closes his locker. "I'd have to ask."

Shawn groans. "Your parents suck, I haven't seen you in like three weeks."

Jaxon squints his eyes at him. "You saw me yesterday..."

"You know what I mean," Shawn steps forward a little, grabbing him by his waist. "I just wanna chill."

Jaxon smiles a little, reaching down to pull Shawn's hands off his waist. "Enough PDA, Shawn."

"My bad," Shawn smiles. "So you'll ask?"

"Mhm," Jaxon pulls his phone out of his back pocket to shoot his mom a quick text. The bell rings and he sighs, looking back up at Shawn. "I gotta get to class."

"Alright. See you at lunch." Shawn leans in and gives him a peck on the lips.

Shawn was driving the pair back to his house after Jaxon's parents had agreed he could he out, as long as he was back home by 11:30.

Shawn was holding Jaxon's hand, bringing it up to his mouth occasionally to kiss. He had the radio turned up, blasting his rap music.

Jaxon reaches forward to turn the music down a little. "Hey, thanks for inviting me over." He says, a smile on his face.

Shawn glances at him, back at the road in an instant. "Of course, baby," He smiles back. "I love the company."

They get to Shawn's house after five more minutes of driving. Shawn sets his bag down on the floor. "Yo. I'm finna change. You chill hanging down here by yourself for a sec?"

"Uh yeah," Jaxon sets his bag down as well, turning to the kitchen. "Is it okay if I grab a snack?"

"Of course. Take whatever you want." Shawn says before walking away.

Jaxon smiles a little as he walks into the kitchen. He opens the pantry, grabbing himself a bag of chips, as well as a water bottle from the refrigerator.

He takes a seat on the couch, waiting for Shawn to return. When he does, he's dressed in grey sweatpants with no shirt. Jaxon eyes him as he takes a seat. "You got a new tattoo?"

Shawn looks down at his arm and nods. "Oh yeah. You like?" He asks, a smile on his face.

Jaxon reaches out to grab Shawn's arm, bringing it closer to inspect. It was a tattoo of a sphinx cat. Jaxon looks up and squints his eyes. "You didn't even know these cats existed until a week ago."

"I know...But you kept talking about how cute you thought they were." Shawn says, making eye contact with Jaxon.

Jaxon's eyes almost sparkle, his eyebrows raising. "So...You got it tattooed?"

"Yeah," He says. "You've inspired me."

"You're not gonna regret that?" Jaxon asks as he lets go of his arm. "There's no like...guarantee we're gonna like...Stay together."

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