i just needed to see you

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It was Sunday morning and Shawn had just dropped Jaxon off back home. He was set to call him as soon as he got back to his place. After a quick trip to the gas station, he finally headed back to his house.

He fumbles with his keys as he unlocks the front door. He walks into the kitchen, throwing down whatever junk mail he collected earlier that day.

He hears someone clear their throat, and internally rolls his eyes as he looks up and sees his father. He was standing at their kitchen island, plating the food he made.

Compared to his composure, Shawn could tell he was drunk out of his mind. Glossy eyes, messy hair, and slurred movements.

"I've been waiting for you. Where ya been?" He says, speaking louder than needed.

"Out," Shawn says as he makes his way to his room.

"Woah, hey!" Mark yells. "Come in here! I haven't seen you in a bit."

"I'm chill," Shawn responds.

"I'm not gonna ask again," Mark says. It's the tone in his voice that causes Shawn's skin to crawl. He sighs and against his better judgment joins his dad in the kitchen.

He takes a seat at one of the barstools, crossing his arms. "What?"

"God, when'd you become such a bitch?" His dad says. He turns around to open the fridge. "Hmm," is all he says before slamming it shut. Shawn watches as he searches the countertops before turning around to face Shawn.

"Where's all the liquor?"

"I don't know-."

His dad slams his hand down on the countertop. "Don't lie to me. Did you drink all my liquor?"

Shawn shakes his head. "No, man. Maybe you drank it all and forgot. Considering you're a drunk, your memory might not be intact."

Mark chuckles a little at Shawn's attitude. "Excuse me?" He asks, rounding the island to stand directly up against Shawn. "Excuse me?!"

*  *  *

Shawn was sitting in his car, his hands trembling as he searched his contacts for Gavin's number. He brings a shaky hand up to press his phone against his ear.

"Yo, wassup!" He hears on the second ring. It makes his ears ring to hear how loud Gavin is.

"Hey," Shawn says quietly. "Uh, are you around? Can I swing by your place?"

"Mom and I aren't home. She dragged me out to some stoner ass farmers market a town over," Gavin pauses, and Shawn hears his laugh. "Okay, she said it's "so totally not stoner vibes" but I insist."

Shawn swallows, a lump paining his throat. He can feel his eyes getting watery as he leans his head on the steering wheel. "Okay," Is all he can muster up to say.

"Everything alright? I thought Jax was over."

"Uh, nah," Shawn shakes his head and sits up. "I'm good. I'm fine, I just wanted to chill. I'll call you later."

"Wait-...You know if you need you can go to the house. You have a key."

"Yeah. I'll talk to you." Shawn removes the phone from his ear, still able to hear Gavin talking a little before he hangs up the call.

He tosses his phone into the passenger's seat, opening up his glove box to grab a handful of napkins. He uses the car mirrors to look at himself, wiping his bloody lip.

He makes eye contact with himself, feeling his eyes water up before he brings his head into his hands. He lets out a few sobs, before shaking his head and wiping his face.

He looks back in the mirror, cleaning off his lip. He then grabs some hand sanitizer to try and clean the blood off his knuckles, hissing at the sharp pain.

Once he felt less disheveled and looked put together enough, he started his car. He doesn't know where he's going, but he's going somewhere.

What surprises him is when he ends up on Jaxon's street. He parked his car on the opposite side of the road, staring at Jaxon's house. 'Fuck, is this weird?' He asks himself.

He grabs his phone off the passenger seat. He sees three missed calls from Gavin, followed by a total of twenty messages. He scrolls past that and rings Jaxon's contact.

"Hi, baby," He hears, the voice radiating him with just an ounce of joy he can soak up. He can hear the TV show in the background come to a halt. "You just getting home?"

"Went and left," Shawn says. He furrows his brows a little. "Could you come outside? I'm out front."

"Sure," Jaxon says with no questions asked. It takes Jaxon all of three minutes to make his way downstairs and outside. He quickly crosses the road and gets into Shawn's car.

Shawn smiles at him a little. Jaxon smiles back, reaching out to grab Shawn's face. "What happened?"

"Oh, nothing. Me just being clumsy." Shawn takes hold of Jaxon's hand, his eyes filling with tears no matter how much he tries to stop them.

"Hey," Jaxon furrows his brows. "What's going on?"

Shawn shakes his head. "I just needed to see you," He whispers. He tucks some of Jaxon's hair behind his ear.

"What happened?" Jaxon asks, his voice softer.

Shawn bites down on his lip. "Nothing. My dad and I just got into an argument."

Jaxon's eyes flicker down to Shawn's busted lip. "He hit you?"

Shawn gulps and pulls away. He shakes his head. "No. I didn't fuckin' say that. Don't put words in my mouth."

Jaxon's eyes widen and he reaches down to grab Shawn's hand. "Okay...Okay, I'm sorry."

Shawn rests his head back down on the headrest. "I just didn't wanna be alone."

"Well, I'm here," Jaxon squeezes his hand. "I so wish I could invite you inside."

Shawn turns his head, a smile on his face. "It's okay. This is enough for me right now." He brings Jaxon's hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss against it. "I'm sorry for being mean."

"You don't have to apologize," Jaxon says. He gets over the center console, placing himself in Shawn's lap. He leans in a gives him a hug, resting his head in the crook of Shawn's neck. "I love you."

Shawn can feel his entire body relaxing as he wraps his arms around Jaxon. "I love you too."

* * *

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