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As Dustin was making his way back to the base, Lothor's Kelzaks suddenly appeared right in front of him. They surrounded him, he was outnumbered. He tried fighting them off as best as he could, but it didn't end to well. He was dropped to the floor having weapons pointed at him.

But Tori and Shane quickly came in with the tsunami cycles and leading the Kelzaks away. Dustin was impressed.

Both Cam and Gwen came and ran over to Dustin. "Hey, Dustin." Cam greeted.

"Hey, guys.

"I told these guys not to engage the enemy until the bikes were ready. Of course, no one ever listens to the guy with glasses." Cam whined.

"Oh come on, Cam. They're just really excited. Let them get away with it at least this time." Gwen said while patting his shoulder.

"So these are the Tsunami Cycles?" Dustin asked.

Tori came with her bike, basically flying over the three and showing off her bike. "This is great!"

"I thought these things were months off being ready."

"So did we." Cam said.

"So, you got something for me?" Dustin asked excitedly.

"No, should I?" Cam joked.

Gwen rolled her eyes and scoffed at her brother.

"Oh come on, quit joking around, man."

"No, seriously. I don't know what you're talking about."

"So you're saying the motocross guy is the only one who doesn't get a tsunami cycle?" Dustin whined.

"Cam, quit joking around with him." Gwen bumped his shoulder.

"Alright, alright. Fine." Cam smirked. He brought in the giant truck and out came Dustin's bike.


"Indeed it is. Cam, have I ever told you how much of a gunnies you are?" Gwen complimented.

"No, but I wouldn't mind hearing that a lot more."

"So is there anything I need to know?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah, make sure that..."

Too excited to wait any longer, Dustin took off and ran over to his bike. "Why bother." Cameron sighed.

"They're just excited. You did an amazing job with them. They look incredible. And they're fast."

"I wish they'd listen for once. It would be a lot better if they waited a little longer."

"Come on, let's meet up them." Gwen grabbed her brothers arm and started making their way to the truck.


After fighting off the Kelzaks, the three drove back and parked their bikes, then unmorphed into their ninja uniforms.

"Hey, these bikes work pretty good." Shane said.

"You know, Shane, you were lucky. They still need some fine tuning." Cam said while observing the bike. "Dustin, since you're the bike expert, why don't you take these discs and give me an altitude chart. And don't try to play any video games with it or something like you would do." Cam scolded.

"I'm not a complete doofus." Dustin argued while putting the disc in his backpack.

"We'll here's your chance to prove it." Cam patted his shoulder and walked away.

Gwen scoffed and walk over to Tori. "You looked like you were having fun." She pointed out.

"I swear, Cams a genius." Tori smiled.

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