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Even with the step stool, Gwen still had trouble pinning the banner to the wall. Dustin laughed as he saw her struggle. He walked over and gently pulled Gwen down. "Step aside, Gwen. Watch and learn."

He stepped on the stool and easily hung up the banner. He turned to Gwen with an innocent smile as she glared at him. "Show off."

"Not my fault I'm so tall."

Tori walked over and took a look at the banner. "Looks great. If you had surfing, I'd be all over this Total Trek."

"Oh yeah, that'd be fair. You blowing everybody out of the water."

"And the problem with that is?"

"Dustin wouldn't survive a minute through this race. He can barley stand on two feet." Gwen teased.

"Hey." He whined.

"Guys, check this course out." They all followed Kelly and looked at the map. "We start at the skate park, to run to the motocross track, then a climb to finish."

"Sounds like fun, but I don't want to end up like Dustin."

"So mean, Gwen."

"You entering, Dustin?"

Dustin shook his head. "I'm never getting on a skateboard again. I've got bruises for last year." He said.

"I remember. I still have that video you crash landing onto the bush." Tori laughed. "I swear, Gwen is your personal nurse. What a core memory."


Everyone turned towards the door. Hunter and Shane came in together. Hunter looked to Gwen, giving her an awkward smile and wave. Gwen looked away annoyed, then walked to the counter to avoid him.

Hunter frowned, then looked down at the floor. Dustin noticed and followed Gwen. "Still not talking to him?"

"I don't trust him. So why should I?" She asked, an annoyed tone in her voice.

"Well, now that we're all working together, wouldn't it be best if all of us got along. Also, I can tell that it's really bugging him."

"Why should I care?"

"Because I know you really liked him. And he really is sorry for lying to you like that. Plus, we all know you're not okay."

"I'm fine, Dustin. I don't want to talk about it anymore. So please, can we stop all this now?"

Dustin nodded his head. "Okay." He ended up leaving her to talk with the others.

But a few minutes after everyone left, a lite shadow casted over her. What she assumed was a customer, only turned out to be Hunter. "Great." She muttered sarcastically.

Hunter frowned as he looked down at the floor. "Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"I don't think I'm comfortable with that."

Gwen grabbed a box and walked to the backroom. Hunter sighed, then followed her. "I really want to make things right with you. I'm sorry for what I did, please let me make it up to you."

"Then for starters..." She placed the box on the floor and turned back around to Hunter, sending him a mean glare. "Leave me alone."

Gwen walked right past him, lightly shoving his arm. Hunter facepalmed himself, then pulling his hair. "I'm an idiot.


Blake stood aside as he watched Hunter hop on top of the ramp. He shook his head, ready to see his older brother fail miserably.

Trust (Power Rangers Ninja Storm - Hunter Bradley)Where stories live. Discover now