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Cam knocked on her door, but he got no answer. He knocked once more, still nothing. he instead just opened up the door and let himself in. He was met with Gwen asleep on her back. There were a few books on the floor and her notebook covered her face.

He scoffed before walking over and poking her side. Gwen groaned in her sleep and turned to her side, causing the notebook to fall to the floor. "I don't think I'd consider pajamas beach gear, Gwen." He said.

Gwen sat up quickly. Pain quickly rushed to her head and she laid back down. "Ouch." She groaned.

"I'm guessing you're not feeling too well." Cam said.

"I was up all night studying. I completely forgot about out plans."

"I'll leave some medicine in the kitchen for you. When you feel better, come along and join us at the beach."

"I'm surprised you're going."

"I'll take any chance for a day off."

"What if something happens while we're gone?" Gwen asked.

"I have Cyber Cam to watch over anything just in case." The watch on his wrist started to buzz. "I'm off now."

"Tell the others I said sorry."

Cam smiled. "They'll understand."


After Shane left and the other got everything to the sand, Hunter looked around looking specifically for Gwen. Feeling a bit awkward and shy, he quickly got over it and walked towards Cam. "Where's Gwen?" He asked while nervously playing with the necklace.

"She wasn't feeling well. But she'll join us later. I'm sure of it."

"Okay." Hunter nodded.

"Still trying to make things work with her?" Blake asked.

"Of course. Things seem to be going fine. But I'm not sure." Hunter frowned.

"I think they are. Gwen seems to be a bit more happier than normal." Dustin chimed in.

"I'm sure things are fine between you. If you're still not sure, I suggest talking with her some more. If I were in your position, that's what I would do." Tori said.

Hunter nodded. "I think you might be right."


Gwen felt a lot better after taking her medicine. But she was still hesitant on going to the beach. or at least to meet up with them. She stood at the top of the hill watching the other play around. She was confused as to why Shane and Cam weren't there, but she assumed that something might have happened. She just hoped it was nothing too bad.

Blake and Dusting were both playing in the water. Tori was sitting down watching their stuff. And Hunter was with a little boy helping make sand castle. Gwen thought he was the cutest this way. She could see how wide his smile was from where she was standing.

Gwen shook all her thoughts away and started making her way down the hill. Tori turned around when she heard noise coming from behind her. She smiled as she saw Gwen's figure. "You made it."

"Sorry I'm late. I woke up not feeling so good."

"Feeling better now?" Tori asked.

"Way better." Gwen said. She took a seat next to Tori and pulled her legs up, wrapping her arms around them. "Where's Shane and Cam?"

Tori let out a disappointed sigh. "Not really sure about Shane. Cam went back to Ninja Ops after CyberCam found something on the computer. So it's not the best birthday at the moment."

Trust (Power Rangers Ninja Storm - Hunter Bradley)Where stories live. Discover now