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"I have a question." Hunter started as he walked towards Gwen. She was at the back of the store checking all the new packages. "What is it you want to do?" He asked as he sat down on the stool behind her, leaning against the counter.

Gwen turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Can you clarify that question?"

Hunter let out a slight laugh. "You're part of the academy, but you don't want to be a ninja."

"Not necessarily true. I wasn't allowed to participate. But you're right, I have no care in becoming a ninja."

"But you're also a runner, but you don't want to be a track star. So what is it you want to do?" Hunter asked again.

Gwen smiled. A few of her books happened to be sitting on the counter, so she pushed one towards him. "Is it not obvious?" She questioned.

Hunter glanced down at the book. It was a medical book. He looked over at the other stack of books in front of her, all of them either being nursing or medical books. "Nursing?"

"I'm surprised you haven't caught on from the amount of times I've had to take care of all you guys. And it's not necessarily that I want to be a nurse. What I want to do is help people. And I feel this is the best I could do. Being a ninja would have been great, but I know I'm not as strong as everyone else. And I'm not as geeky as Cam when it comes to using the computer. So I guess being there for the aftermath is my only way of helping."

Hunter looked back at Gwen and smiled. "You are strong. And definitely one of the smartest people I know. You don't need to be a ninja or a geek to prove all that. And I know you'll be an amazing nurse someday. You're going to help out a lot of people."

Gwen shyly smiled down at the floor. Hunter looked down and realized she was scratching at her wrist. He grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it. Gwen thought he was only being comforting, but he had other reasons.

"Gwen can you do me a favor?" Kelly called to her.

Gwen pulled her hand away from Hunter's and walked over to Kelly. Immediately, all the warmth she felt from his hand disappeared. She just felt cold now. "You needed me?"

"Do you mind going out and picking up a few things for me at the storage unit? Theres still a few things that weren't dropped off today. I'd do it myself, but I already have a bunch of things I need to do here."

"Yeah, no worries. I'll have Hunter finish my work for me." Gwen said.

"Hey." Hunter complained.

Kelly laughed. "Here's the keys to the truck. I'll see you back here later."

Gwen grabbed the keys and walked back to Hunter. "Thanks for finishing off my stuff." She smiled innocently.

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Yeah, no problem." He grumbled.

Gwen turned around to start leaving. But Hunter grabbed her arm. He turned her around and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Gwen shyly turned away to hide her red face. "I'll see you later."

Hunter smiled as she awkwardly walked out. He knew she was still awkward about the kissing. She was better at holding hands with him. But he liked to tease her about a lot of the things. He especially liked to see her blush.

"I saw that kiss." Blake teased. The only thing Hunter hated was when Blake was there to mess with him. "When were you going to tell us that you guys had started going out?"

"How about you tell me when you're going to finally ask out Tori?" Hunter teased back.

Blake's smiled dropped into a frown. "Forget I asked." He glared, then turned around and started leaving.

Hunter smirked as he watched his brother leave in defeat. At least there was on thing he was able to tease Blake about. Because other than that, Blake you had the upper hand.


Gwen was finally on her way back to Storm Chargers after she picked up that last few boxes. There was slight traffic on the way back. Gwen didn't question it much as this usually happened most of the time whenever she took this rode. But things started to really get weird when people started running in the other direction.

She leaned her head outside the truck to try and see what was happening. There were also a lot of other people poking their head out of their cars.

Gwen drove into the truck into the entrance of a parking lot. She got out of the car and looked around. People were running around screaming in fear. But what caught her eyes was that they all had something wrapped around their neck.

"Well if it isn't the sensei's daughter."

Gwen turned around, looking straight at Motodrone and another weird alien. She didn't even get a chance to say anything before she was attacked.


"What's the deal?" Tori questioned while looking around. there were still many people running around and screaming in fear.

"The dogs! The dogs!" A man screamed as he ran towards the group of friends.

"Do you see any dogs?" Dustin asked.

Blake looked ahead of him and saw Motodrone and the same alien Gwen had saw earlier. "Only that dog faced freak." He pointed.

"Ranger's let me help you face your fears. Eyezik."

After their first attack, the five of them quickly morphed and fought off as many Kelzaks as they could. Shane eventually showed up to help out.

He was able to defeat the rest of the Kelzaks. But Motodrone and the alien left before anything else could happen to them.

"Shane, you rock!" Tori cheered.

"I just did what I had to do." Shane smiled.

They all looked around for anybody. Thankfully no one was around to see them power down. "I gotta head back to base and figure out what all this chaos is about." Cam said.

"We'll come with you." Hunter said. He then turned to Shane. "You coming?"

Shane shook his head. "I have to go meet up with my brother again." He frowned.

"I guess things didn't turn out so well." Dustin said.

"Nothing has changed since the last time I saw him. I'll see you guys later." Shane gave them a wave as he started leaving.

"Let's get out of here." Hunter said.

"Wait, do guys hear that?" Blake asked.

The five of them went quiet. They could all hear someone sobbing. "Someones crying." Dustin said.

"Yeah, but where?" Tori questioned.

The listened for the crying. "This way." Cam started to lead them. They were getting closer and closer to the sobbing. They saw someone being a tree crying with their hands covering their ears. As they got closer, Cam realized who it was. "Gwen?" He questioned.

Gwen didn't respond. They all worriedly ran over. Hunter's eyes landed to her neck. She had the same device that everyone else had. He kneeled down and reached for her hand. "Don't touch me." She said.

Hunter stepped back. He hated seeing her like this. Cam leaned down and picked her up. She was shaking in his arms.

"Is she going to be okay?" Dustin asked.

"I'm not sure. Let's get back to ninja ops and find out what the things is and a way to get it off her."

He started walking away with Tori and Dustin following. Hunter watched in pain as Cam carried his sister away. She looked so scared, in it hurt to see her in that way. "She'll be fine." Blake assured.

"How do you know?" Hunter asked.

"Because she's strong. You know that, right?"

Hunter nodded his head. "I know."

I'm on time finally!
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