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Sorry for the late update

Gwen stirred around in her sleep. That day wouldn't stop replaying in her dream. Seeing the both of them holding hand as they walked out of the movie theater. It still pained her. The trust she had in them was gone. And so was her trust for others.

Gwen slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room. She sat up and looked outside. It was still quite dark outside. She looked down at her alarm clock. It would still be another while till the sun would rise.

Gwen tried to go back to sleep, but her body refused. So she stood up from her bed and walked over to the closet. She dressed in a pair of shorts, a tank top, and a hoodie.

She tried her best to leave the place without her father or her brother noticing. But it failed when a voice interrupted her escape. "Where are you going at this hour?"

Gwen let out a sigh and turned around. "I couldn't sleep."

"Did you have another nightmare?" Her father asked.

Gwen gave a small nod. "Something like that." She answered. "I just need a bit of air."

"You know, Cameron and I are here if you need to talk. And you also have Shane, Tori, and Dustin. We're all here if you need to talk."

Gwen nodded her head. "I know. And thank you. But I'm fine. I'll be back later." She gave a small smile.

"All I ask is that you stay safe. Call if anything happens."

"Will do."


Gwen wasn't sure where she was going. Whenever she ran to empty her head, she would just end up on a random trail and follow it. And because of all the running around, she found her own little secret spot that no one knew about. Well, Cam did, but she didn't know about that.

Gwen would hide there whenever she was upset, stressed, or angry. If Cam wasn't able to find her, he would no where to look. But he never usually did, because he knew it meant that she wanted to be alone.

But Gwen wasn't necessarily upset, angry, or stressed. Her head was just too clouded up.

She ended up running to the park nearby the beach. When she finally felt tired, she sat down on a bench that was right under a giant tree. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, playing with her bracelet.

It was definitely helping her clear her head. Slowly, everything that was clouding her head began to disappear. Gwen let out a small sigh.

"Hi again."

Gwen opened her eyes and looked around. She spotted Hunter walking over to her. A small smile was plastered over himself as he waved at her. Gwen waved back at him. "Hi." She greeted.

"It's quite early out. What are you doing up this early in the morning?" Hunter asked.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Got me there." Hunter sighed, sitting down next to her. "Couldn't sleep. I've been a bit stressed lately."

"Does it have to do with motocross?" Gwen asked.

Hunter shook his head. "No, nothing like that. If anything, that's what makes me relax. But the track is currently closed. Can't really ride anywhere else with my bike." Hunter explained. Gwen nodded her head.

"So why are you up this early?" He asked.

Gwen let out a sigh. "I didn't really get a good sleep. Woke up really early and just couldn't go back to bed. Went on a run to get some air. And now I'm here." Gwen explained.

Trust (Power Rangers Ninja Storm - Hunter Bradley)Where stories live. Discover now