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Gwen stood by her fathers side as he called each of their names out and handed them a diploma.

"Hunter Bradley." He called out.

Hunter stepped onto the podium and happily took the diploma. He turned to Gwen and waved the Diploma excitedly. Gwen let out a slight laugh as he walked way.

"And finally, Cam Watanabe."

Her father handed the diploma to Cam. Cam smiled, then went in to hug his sister. "I'm proud of you." She smiled

"Thanks." He smiled. He pulled away from the hug and walked to the others.

Her father began his speech. But all Gwen could pay attention to was her friends. She felt so proud of them.

Hunter looked over and smiled at her. Gwen smiled. back. Hunter sent a flirty wink, but Gwen just rolled her eyes and turned back to her father. Hunter scoffed. He felt a slight nudge to his side. "Pay attention." Cam scolded.

"Sorry." Hunter apologized.

After his speech, the six of them all jumped around excitedly and hugged one another. After all that, Hunter turned to run towards Gwen, but he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Sensei Omino?"

"Congratulations." He said. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, sensei. That means a lot coming from you." Hunter smiled.

Sensei Omino turned to Gwen. "Is that your girlfriend over there?" He asked.

Hunter smiled proudly. "Yes. She's amazing."

"I trust that she'll put you in your place when she needs to." Sensei Omino joked.

"Believe me, she's done that plenty of times."

"Good, she's a keeper."

Hunter just shook his head and laughed.

"I'd like to talk to you about something. Is that alright?"

Hunter turned back to Gwen. She was following Cam and her father away from the rest of the ceremony. He wanted to talk with her, but he felt this was also important. "Sure."


"Keep it moving." Cam said as the new ninja students walked into the school.

"Feels like old times, just having to stand here and watch the new ninjas come in. I was always able to feel the jealousy radiating off you. You really skipped a couple steps and immediately became a Power Ranger." Gwen teased.

Cam laughed. "I know. Hard to believe, isn't it?"

Gwen laughed with him. But then her smile dropped when she saw two familiar figured in the line. "You've got to be kidding me."

Cam looked at her confused. He looked to the line and realized what she was talking about. "You're kidding." Cam said.

"Hello, family, right?" Kapri asked.

"Cam, we really have to talk about these outfits. Because does it make my butt look really big?" Marah asked.

"Not as big as your head." Karpri taunted.

"I do not have a big head!"

"Oh, you so have a big head."

They two shook their head at the cousins bickering. Their father walked over and place a hand to their shoulders. "It is a shame one cannot choose their family." He said.

"I'm just glad I dont have to feed mine guinea pig food anymore." Cam smiled.

Gwen scoffed. "You could say that again."

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