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After surfing her last waved, Tori swam back to shore. She dropped her surfboard on the sand and plopped down next to Gwen. "It's so frustrating." Tori groaned. "Not even surfing can calm me down."

"I'm sure Cam will get your morphers fixed before anything else happens." Gwen assured. "And should you even be surfing with those injuries? I don't want to have to patch you up again. You're only aloud to get hurt when yore fighting."

"I'll be fine. Plus, you're our personal nurse. It's your job to fix us up."

"Yeah, whatever. How about we distract ourselves with something else, yeah?" Gwen suggested.

Tori smirked. "I have an idea. Dustin told me about you and Hunter." An evil smile was plastered over her face.

Gwen rolled her eyes and turned the other way to hide her blush. "I'm going to kill him" She muttered. "There's nothing going on."

Tori scoffed. "You deny it, but I can tell you're lying." 

"Can we talk about something else?" 

Tori smiled at Gwen, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Why are you always so scared every time we bring up boy? It's like you purposely avoid them." 

"What are you talking about? I'm not avoiding anyone." 

"Oh, please. There was that guy at Storm Chargers flirting with you for a while. You rejected him. There was a guy at the academy who had a thing for you. You rejected him. And now, Hunter."

"What are you getting at here?"

Tori stood up and walked in front of Gwen, then plopping down in front of her. Tori took her hands and rubbed her palm. Gwen flinched from the touch. Tori noticed, but still held on. 

When Gwen first met the three, she definitely gave them a hard time. Because it wasn't just guys flirting with her that Brough her pain, it was the possibility of another friendship being fake. So it frightened her when they all tried to befriend her. But neither of them gave up. And Gwen finally realized that they actually wanted to be her friend. But it was with boys that she still had trouble with.

"Those guys you rejected were some of the nicest people. Obviously your type. But you never gave them a chance. Why is that?" Tori asked. 

Gwen had the urge to play with her bracelet. But she didn't want to pull away from Tori. If anything, this brought her a bit of comfort. But the pain was stronger. "Nothing. I just didn't see them in that way." Gwen lied. 

Even when just holding her hands, Tori could tell that she was hurting. Tori let go of her hands, and Gwen immediately started playing with her bracelet. "How about I take you home?" Tori suggested. 

"Please." Gwen muttered.

The two stood up and began walking towards Tori's van. But neither of them recognized the two boys walking right past them. "Hey. What, no hello?" 

Both of them turned around to see Blake and Hunter. Hunter being the last person Gwen wanted to see. "Sorry, we have a lot on our minds." Tori apologized. 

"Rough day?" Hunter asked. 

"Something like that." Tori answered. 

Hunter noticed Gwen avoiding him. She looked down at her hands and continuously played with the bracelet. He frowned at the sight. He walked over and grabbed her arm, pulling her to the side while Blake talked to Mori.

Gwen was still trying to avoid his gaze. Hunter knew something was wrong, but didn't bother to ask, knowing she might not probably want to. "I see you're still wearing my jacket." He smirked.

Gwen looked down at the jacket she was wearing. She completely forgot that she still had it. "Sorry." She apologized. 

Gwen began to take the jacket off, but Hunter reached for her hands to stop her. "No, keep it for a while. It looks good on you." He complimented.

Gwen turned her head to hide her blush. "O-Okay." She stuttered. Hunter laughed. Even his laugh was enough to make her heart race. 

"Have you thought of anything yet?" He asked. Gwen shook her head. "Than think of something soon." He smiled.

Gwen nodded her head. "I'll talk to you later."

"Don't be scared to call me." He said. 

Gwen nodded her head, then hopped into the van. Tori hopped in shortly after, neither of them saying a word.

"Smooth. You'll have to show me you moves sometime." Hunter mocked. 

"Yeah, right. You looked a lot smoother than me. You're clearly more of a flirt than I am." Blake teased. Hunter just laughed it off.

The two started walking away, but stopped and grabbed his brothers shoulder. Hunter turned back around confused. "Are you sure you don't like her?" Blake asked. 

Hunter's smile dropped. "I'm sure." He lied. 

Blake scoffed and shook his head. "You can't lie to me, you know that right."

"I'm not lying."

"You get really defensive when you lie. Similar to now. So it's clearly obvious that you do."

Hunter clenched his fist in anger. He wasn't angry at Blake, he was angry at himself. "Fine, I do like her." He admitted.

Blake scoffed. "I knew it." He crossed his arms. "So what are you gonna do about it now?"

Hunter shrugged. "I don't know. What are you gonna do about Tori?" Hunter asked.

Blake's smirk dropped. "I don't know either."

"Which is why we should just stick to the original plan." Hunter said.

He turned back around and started walking away. But Blake stopped hime once again. "Are we really just going to have to lie to them the whole time? They're going to find out."

"I know that. But we're already too far in. We can't go back now. Not when we're this close."

It grew silent between the two brothers. Neither of them were excited to hurt the girls they liked. But they'd do anything to avenge their parents. 

"I'm going out for a bit." Hunter mumbled. "I'll see you later."

Hunter turned back around and began walking the other way. He scratched the back of his neck, then it turned to him hitting the side of his head. He knew it was almost time till Gwen found out the truth, and he wasn't excited for it. 

He was already feeling the guilt and regret. But he knew he'd feel much worse when sees Gwen in pain. 

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