Part 1

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I brushed my fingers along the spines of the books in my library. I loved reading. It was the only thing that let me escape. From this twisted world. Of war and battles. I went to pick out my third book of the week when I heard my name being called from outside the room.

"Victoria! Sweetheart!" The familiar sound of my mother's voice echoed through the walls.
"In the library mum!" I replied not taking my eyes off the bookcases. The large oak doors swung open by my mother as she beamed at me.

"Good afternoon sweetie! Your brother, Hugo, has his new girlfriend coming round for dinner tonight, best start getting ready! Would you like some help?" She announced while walking towards me.

"No I should be okay. I'll head upstairs in a minute." I smiled back at my mother while reaching for a book. Perfect.

As I walked up the flights of stairs I saw one of my curly, hazelnut haired brother. They where both hard too tell apart except from a few minor differences. Both where curly haired, 6 foot 3, broad and muscular. Harrison stopped too talk to me.

"Hey! Can you believe Hugo has a girlfriend?! I'd never believe it! He's too ugly!" The man joked. I hope he was joking. "Your identical twins Harrison. You just insulted yourself." I giggled as he shook his head.

I continued up the staircase and quickly found my way too my room. It was rather bland and boring. Mainly white with small hints of colour that I added myself.

2 hours later I had: Showered, dried and styled my hair, done my makeup and put on a long elegant royal blue dress. I went downstairs knowing my whoke family would be expecting Hugo's girlfriend any moment now.

Just as I stepped foot off the final stair the doorbell rang. Hugo quickly went to answer it and hugged a blonde haired, short girl who wore a red cocktail dress with a heavy face of makeup. Great. I knew exactly how she would be. I walked over too Ruby and stood next too her.

Soon enough Hugos girlfriend strode over and offered me her hand, "I'm chantelle." She blurted out. Even her voice made it obvious how she would behave.

"Victoria. Its a pleasure too meet you" I noticed something on her dress, "Oh you have a bit of fluff on your dress let me get that for you!" I tried to be polite but she quickly slapped my hand away.

"Sorry uh I don't like people I just met touching anywhere but my hands.." she made up an excuse. I already hated her.

I walked off trying too keep my cool. She judt gave off a weird vibe within the first 60 seconds of being here.

3 hours had passed and we where all sat at the table. The whole night I had kept a close eye on her. She was in a conversation with my father. She kept asking about his plans for the future of his business.

Suddenly there was a loud crash. Someone had broken into the house it was obvious. I knew we shouldn't of let her in! She was up too something.

I darted too the cabinet behind me which I knew was full of guns. I grabbed a behhola pistol and pointed it at the girl. "WHO ARE YOU?!" I screamed as my father and Harrison walked out too see what the crash was. Hugo jumped up and tried to wrestle the gun off me but I had a tight grip.


Hugo had wrapped his arms round me and pulled me back. "VICTORIA SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS- right?!" The boy looked st his girlfriend who just smiled. His face sunk as he realised. "Fucking piece of shit!" I whispered. Suddenly gunshots right get through my ears. Hugo grabbed me, Ruby and my mother pushing us into the corner.

His job of the family is too protect the girls. Even though I'm fully capable of protecting myself. A man walked into the dining room. He looked about mid 50s maybe early 60s. His gun pointed at the four of us. "Give me the girls. My sons need wives." He spoke. Both Hugo and my mum pushed Ruby and I too the back. "Armani. If you think for two seconds I'm going to let your scumbag sons get their hands on my sisters then your highly mistaken." Hugo spat.

The man held one finger and signaled for someone too come in.
4 men walked in. 2 held my brother, Harrison, and the other hekd my father. What's so bad about that? They had knives to their throat. One slit and they'll bleed out.

"Give me the girls or they die." The man spat. I saw my brother and mum's faces fill with worry. My mother took a step forward.
"Please.. you don't have to do this we can sort something out! We'll give you anything but please just leave my family!" My mother begged. Suddenly.. BANG.

A bullet was shot inbetween her eyes. I quickly held Ruby close too me to cover her eyes from the sight as she began sobbing.

"Dont do it! Let them kill us!" Harrison strained. He was always so selfless. Putting others before himself. Hugo turned too look at us.. "girls.. I'm sorry..." he spoke. I knew what he was about to do.
"Okay, you can have the girls. Let my father and brother go." Within less them a second they where released. But now they 4 men strode towards me and Ruby. I held her tightly not wanting too let go.

We where forced apart as two mean each pulled us out the house kicking and screaming. It was horrible. It's like they thought we didn't have any feelings. Ruby was took into 1 suv while I was litterally dragged I to another as I tried too put up a fight.

The cars started to drive off as they tied my hands making it harder for me too escape.

After what felt like years but in reality probably only an hour we arrived at an airport. Great. Ruby's first flight will be her tied up.

As soon as they got us out the SUV me and Ruby darted towards eachother. The men quickly grabbed us. I elbowed one in the stomach and stamped on the others foot and I tried too get to Ruby.

Two boys emerged from the plane. Both tall and black hair that had been gelled back. Extremely muscular in black suits. "Dad! They're not animals for fuck sake untie them!" The older one yelled. The men quickly obeyed his orders and untied our wrists.

The boys began walking over on the tarmac. "I'm Gabriel. You must be Vicky?" The boy that had made his way over to me spoke. Me and Ruby gave sachither a look before spitting on the boys in sync. "Maybe I spoke too soon.. Vinny! That doesn't mean I want them tied up again." He looked at the man behind me who reached for the rope again.

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