part 17

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*Gabriel's pov*

I took ny fiancé's hand and places a kiss on the back off it. My girl. Everyone will know that within the next month. When we're married. I led her downstairs where all the guests had already arived. It was a masquerade ball so it was taking me a bit longer to work out who everyone is.

A man, in his late 40s, walked over to me. Ivan. Ivan Stepanov. "Gabriel armani!" He exclaimed and held out his hand for me to shake. I took it with a tight grip and shook it before our hands parted. "And who's this lovely girl on your side?" He continued.

"This is my fiancé, Victoria DeRose." I introduced her as she put her hand forward to shake. However he took that as the opposite and kissed it. Gross. Only I can do that. "Its nice to meet you Mr Stepanov." She said with a fake smile.

"How are your younger brothers, one's leading your mafia isn't he? When you were the heir." Was he trying to get on my nerves?

"Yes that's correct. He married Victoria's sister Ruby, the one who this party's for. The other two have been adopted ny Victoria and I." I snapped. I hated this man. I could tell Victoria didn't like him either.

"I'm going to go find Ruby.. or my brothers, they should be here by now" Victoria mumbled. She quickly ran off. Leaving me with Ivan. Lucky me.

*Victorias pov*

I walked through the hundreds of people looking for my siblings or dad. I couldn't see them anywhere. Not even Mateo. Where were they all?

As I walked someone rammed into me casting me to fall. "Hey! Watch it!" I barked at the man. He looked about mid to late 20's. "Dont talk to me like that! Do you know who I am?!" The man growled back.

"No and I don't care!" I hissed as I stood up and brushed myself off. The man practically had steam coming out of his eyes.

"I'm the 2nd most feared man in all mafia business you do not want to mess with me." He scoffed while stepping closer to me. "2nd most feared? Pathetic!" I spat.

The man lunged at me causing me to fall over again. I was first to throw a punch at him. Jackass. He grabbed me by my neck, closing off my airways. Shit, shit, shit. I couldn't breathe.

Hugo and Harrison had seen all this going on and weren't as far away as Gabriel. "Hey!!!" Hugo screamed and ripped the guy off me. Harrison was quick to pull me into a hug. "You okay?" He whispered. I simply nodded my head.

"Whats your deal! She's a little bitch and deserved it." The man snapped. Oh how he's going to regret that. Gabriel was stood right behind him. And he was the most feared in the mafia.

"Excuse you?" He looked like he was ready to kill him. The man turned to face my fiancé and let's just say I'd pay to see his face. "G-Gabriel Armani, Hey!.." you could hear the fear in his voice, "uhm you know her?" Gabriel nodded.

"She's my fiancé." Oh this will be fun. Suddenly a fist flew at the man's face. "Take him down to the dungeons. I'll deal with him after the party" Gabriel ordered a few of the gaurds.

He walked over to me and pulled me from Harrison, into his own arms. My brother walked over to his twin. Everyone's eyes were on us. Before I knew it I began crying. I only just processed what happened. I was strangled. Another couple of minutes, I could've died.

"Shh.. your alright. I'll kill him later. No one touches my girl." He whispered protectively. I still had no idea who that man was. But at the moment I didn't care. I gripped onto my fiancé's shirt and sobbed into his chest. Everyone had eventually gone back too their own conversations.

He took off my mask so I could properly cry. And just held me. He began leading me into the bathroom, for more privacy. I sat down on the edge of the bath, rubbing my neck.

He crouched down besides me, taking his own mask off. I felt safer just seeing his face. That wasn't covered. A small smile spread across my lips as I reached out my hands to touch his face. It was cleanly shaved, soft to touch.

My hands moved across his face. Its how I show my love. By touch. And he knew that. That's why he was letting me. But he would never let anyone else. It made me feel so special. He took my hands in his and kissed each of them.

"Let's just sit in here for a bit, untill your ready to go back out.. and I'll have a gaurd stay with you if you want to go to someone else and I can't come. Sound good?" He whispered soothingly. I nodded my head before resting it against his shoulder. I didn't exactly want to go out again. But it's my sisters birthday, I have too.

A few minutes had passed and I managed to pull myself together, I quickly reapplied my makeup and put my mask on again. Gabriel and I walked out hand in hand, all eyes where on us. He turned to a gaurd and whispered something in his ear.

"Vicky, this is Mathew. He'll keep you safe but also give you your space. Okay?" Gabriel gave me a small smile as I clung onto his arm.

We began walking round and greeting more guests. So boring. "I'm gonna go find Ruby and Mateo.." I mumbled to the boy who's arm I clung onto. He turned back to Mathew, who stood abiut 4ft behind us, and gestured him to follow me. Which he did.

I found them rather quickly this time. Ruby was sitting in a corner clearly bored. "Rubes! C'mon! Let's dance!" I giggled while pulling her up. It wasn't exactly a formal thing to do at a mafia party but it's her 18th birthday! She should be having fun!

I dragged her into the middle with Mathew awkwardly following behind. We began dancing, hand in hand. Just like when we where younger. We spun across the floor erupting into laughter as at least three quarters of the room watched us.

Soon enough Gabriel and Mateo stood at the front of the crowd watching us. Ruby and I exchanged a look before running towards them. Both of them had wide eyes as they realised what we where doing. I grabbed Gabriel's hand while Ruby grabbed Mateos.

They both tried to pull away but eventually gave in and joined us. Eventually most the room was dancing with their partners.

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