part 14

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*Gabriel's pov*

The following morning I woke up with my girl in my arms, the sun shining through the curtains as birds chirped their morning songs. Victoria looked gorgeous, she was still asleep, each stand if hair placed perfectly. Oh what I'd do to stay in this moment..

My lips pressed against her cheeks softly causing her to stir in her slumber. Her eyes fluttered open and her gorgeous olive orbs locked with mine. A small smile spread across her face. "Morning beautiful.." I whispered as I leant up on one elbow judt admiring her.

"Good morning handsome.." she replied and nuzzled her face into me. Why was she so cute?

"What time are the lawyers coming?" She questioned as her lips began tracing down my abs leaving small kisses. I groaned slightly. I forgot about that. "11..."

Victoria let out a sigh, "Its 10am we need to get up then.." for once I didn't argue. Today I would adopt my two youngest brothers. After my mother and father passed they were left orphans. Still kids, someone had to take them in so for the past month and a bit Mateo and I had been juggling them round.

Victoria and I joined everyone else at the dining room for breakfast. I spotted luca and Lorenzo and waved them over. I lifted both onto mine and Victoria's chairs.

"So today some lawyers are coming, Victoria and I woukd like to adopt you, is that okay?" I tried to put it as simple as possible for them. Luca wasn't sure on the term 'adopt' so just stared at us blankly. However Lorenzo, he jumped forwards and hugged me immediately. I saw Victoria smile in the corner of my eye.

"Whats adopted?" Luca giggled. It was pretty fucking cute I won't lie. "You'll understand one day" Victoria brushed off the question. I'm taking Lorenzos reaction as a firm yes. And well Lucas five.. he doesn't understand what adopted means so we're just going to have to decide for him. And that's a obviously answer.


At 11am the doorbell rang. Victoria quickly jumped up and went to answer it with me following. There stood 2 lawyers.

After greeting them I led them into dining room. We began all the paperwork. "Okay we just need the 2 boys, your brothers, to confirm they agree to this adoption." One spoke. I nodded my head and got up to go find them. It didn't take long, they were bothering some of my men telling them too come play need guns with them.

"Oy you two! Come with me!" I held my hands out for them to grab. I returned to the dining room and got them to sit down.

"Do you Luciana Carlo Armani and Lorenzo Diego Armani agree to being adopted by Victoria Grace DeRose and Gabriel Marco Armani?" The man asked my brothers. Lorenzo eagerly nodded his head with a smile accompanied by him practically screaming yes while Luca looked unsure.

"What does adoption mean?" He looked at the lawyers then Victoria and I. Victoria reached out for his hand. "Luca I told you after breakfast, remember? Your big brother and I would legally become your gaurdians and how we woukd look after you untill your a big boy!" I hated saying that we'd be their gaurdians. They should have parents.. they should be here still.

Luca looked at me then the lawyer, "Okay! I want then to adoption me!" Victoria, the lawyers and I all chuckled at him.

After signing everything the lawyers left. And they were officially ours..

A/N: Sorry for shirt chapter but I thought this was a good place to leave this one

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