part 19

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*Gabriel's pov*

Weeks had passed and it was creeping up to the winter months as we prepared for the wedding, it was planned to be outside as Victoria wanted a 'winter wonderland wedding' in her words.

It was in just 2 days.

And Victoria still hadn't chose her 3 bridesmaids. Ruby was her obvious choice for one but she needed 2 more. I was having my 3 brothers as my grooms men, Mateo my best man. Although Luca and Lorenzi was doubling up as ring barers

I sat there as she debated her choices. "Okay. I think I found my second bridesmaid. Anastasia. We get along so well! She's going to be my sister in law! I'll call her in a bit. But I need another." She sighed while tapping the notepad with her pen.

We where sat in my office, her on my lap whike I tried to work as much as possible before the wedding and honeymoon. "You got any sisters that I don't know about?" She laughed awkwardly. She was such a dork. That's what I loved about her

"Not that I'm aware off,you don't have to have 3 yah know" I chuckled to myself. She rolled her eyes at me. Rude much. "But then its symmetric on both sides at the reception!!!" The girl exclaimed as if it was so obvious.

"Not got any friends from school?" I suggested but once again she rolled her eyes. "Everyone was scared of Me! Cos I was a mafia bosses daughter!" She scoffed. Okay so she has no friends whatsoever.

"Uhm.. let's think... got any cousins?" It was rather annoying trying to work and keep your fiancé happy. "Yeah but she's only three hence why she's she's flower girl." Okay so apparently I hadn't been paying attention.

I bounced my leg up and down ran my hands through my hair. "Darling you know I love you but I really have to get some work done, can you go see if Ruby can help? It's just a bit frustrating that's all." I tried to explain but her face dropped. She had that look in her eyes. That she was upset.

"Oh.. yeah.. okay.. sorry." The girl got up and left the room. I saw the gaurds exchanging looks. "What?" I spat at them. Cooper stepped forwards, "Sir, not to be rude but you should never say or imply a girls frustrating ecscpecially not one your dating." They all nodded their heads in agreement.

"What and this is a rule? That apparently everyone knows but me?" I questioned. All nodded. Great. I've just offended the girl I'm marrying.

*Victorias pov*

Gabriel had juet kicked me out. Me?! I mean I know he has work to do but.. yikes. I walked out to the garden and sat down on the swing. Gently shining myself back and forth as I was lost in my thoughts.

So not only did I annoy my soon to be husband but I needed to also find a 3rd bridesmaid. My feet dragged along the ground as I let out a long sigh. What am I going to do?!

I looked up at Gabriel's office and saw him staring at me. He immediately looked away. The backdoor opened and out ran two boys. Luca ran over to me while Lorenzo went to the swing next to me. I picked Luca up and sat him down on my lap so he was facing me.

"Either of you two got a girlfriend or just a girl... friend.. who wants to be my bridesmaid?" I chuckled. Lorenzo beamed. Oh wow maybe he did. "I have 4!" 4?! He's a lil' player! "Maddie is my favourite though! She's in Italy still. She was from my school. Her dad is in the Mafia too!" He chuckled to himself.

I giggled and looked at Luca, "you got any girlfriends?" I half joked not expecting an answer, only for him begin giggling, "not really but  one of the maids have a daughter who's realllyyy pretty! She's 5 too!" He squealed.

"Oh really? Maybe I can get a date set up for the both of you!" I teased. I knew who he was taling about we have a 22 year old maid named Taylor who got pregnant as a teen and was kicked out by her parents, Gabriel's father gave her a job and home here for both her and her daughter once she was born. I see her quite often while getting her little one, abigail, ready for bed. She was a wonderful mother. Taylor and I often talk once the kids are all asleep.

Wait! Thats it! Taylor! She can be my bridesmaid! I stood up and Placed Luca on the swing by himself. "Katie can you watch the boys for a moment?" I instructed one of the other maids with a sweet smile and went off too find Taylor. Where was she?

I walked up the stairs after checking the whole ground floor. No where to be seen. I checked every floor but couldn't find her.
So naturally I went into Mateos office. After all he run this whole place he probably knows where she is. I knocked on the door before walking in.

"Hey Mateo! Do you know where Taylor is?" I asked with a smile. He remained silent for a moment. "Uhm.. Victoria.. I fired her yesterday night, she left." My face dropped immediately.

"What?! Why?! She was so good at her job and so polite!" I yelled accidentally making multiple body gaurds grab me. "Let her go!" Mateo ordered.

"We're overstaffed, she costed the most. Almost as much as 2 maids. So if you can choose 2 maids to fire then I'll get her back." He said blankly. What?! He wanted me to choose 2 maids to fire?!

I left the office awkwardly. I felt so bad for Taylor. She has a daughter and was now no doubt living on the Street. I slammed Gabriel's door open, hitting a faurd in the face while doing so.

"I need the staff phone number sheet, right now." I demanded. He thankfully didn't answer questions and handed it to me. I found Taylors number and dialed it.


"Hey Taylor, it's Victoria from the Armani house"

"Oh hey! Everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah great. I have 2 things to tell you."


"First is I'd like you to be my bridesmaid at my wedding if its okay with you?"

"Oh my god really?"

"Yup! And also where are you? You in a house or anything?"

"Well.. uh.. sort of..  I'm in a motel"

I cringed at her words. Those things were skanky.

"Okay, In that case 3 things. I'm going to have you moved back in here. I don't want you staying there. I'll pay for everything."

"What? No! Are you serious?!" She squealed.

"Yup! And I'm going to try and get you your job back, if I can't I'll hire you as something new... uh how does being the boys nanny sound?"

I could hear her quiet sobs on the other side.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm just so happy! I've got barely anything in my savings so I could only afford this motel for a week without food"

"Well how close are you? I'll send a driver round to get you and Abigale!"

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