part 8

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The plane landed almost 12 hours later in England. We got a taxi back too my house.

Walking up the large driveway just felt so.... comforting. I grew up here. Both boys where clung to me one way or another. Either my shirt, hand, shoulder, leg. Always something.

As I approached the large oak door and dropped the knocker twice my heart raced. It was opened by my brother. Hugo. Immediately, after just seeing his face. I broke down on the floor crying. He had frozen for a moment before darting down next to me and engulfing me in a hug.

Before I knew it my whoke family was stood at the front door in shock. Ruby pushed infront and let the boys inside. My father crouched down besides me too. "Whats wrong? Why are you home?" Where just few of his many questions.

So they let me inside and I began explaining everything. Just as quick as I arrived my father and brothers had left too help with their army. It was now just me, Ruby, Lorenzo and Luca.

Luca climbed into my lap and hugged me. "Is my mummy dead? Are my brothers dead?" I was shocked a 5 year old even knew what death was and understood it. It was heartbreaking really.

I just shook my head. Partially lying. His mother had likely died. But I didn't have the heart too tell him that.

*Gabriel's pov*

I woke up too a light being shined in my eyes. What the- I quickly realised what had happened.

I had passed out and been kiddnapped. I scanned the room only too see half of my men, Mateo.. and Victorias brothers and father. Fucking hell.. how long had I been blanked out if they managed to get here and get caught too. The battle must've been going on for at least 36 hours now. Maybe more.

"Oh little Gabriel. So tough. Not so little." A knife glided across my face leaving a cut that was sure too scar. I hissed in pain. They put fucking alcohol on it so it would sting too! Shitheads!

"How about. We ask a few questions. You lie. Someone dies. Starting with your brother Mateo. Your fiancé's family. Your fiancé. Then it'll be your youngest brothers. Then for fun we'll let one survive too go through all that pain. I think little Lorenzo should survive. He's old enough too remeber it all!" A voice teased. I wanted to kill him!

I began shifting in my chair. But it was no hope. I was hit round the back if the head with a gun. "First question. Wheres Victoria." The demonic voice asked. He's insane if he thinks I'd give up her location.

"Up your ass turn left!" I spat. Bang. I didn't even turn too look. I couldn't. Shit. They where serious about this. No messing around. "Make him look." No. No! NO! I knew who it would be and I couldn't face myself if I had too see. My chair spun round revealing..

Mateo lying on the floor with a wound in his chest. Tears stung my eyes. "Please.." I begged.. "Please help him... please!" I begged. My brothers groans filled the room. I couldn't loose him too. I just couldn't. Not today! Not ever!

"Tell you what? I'll help him if you get on your hands and knees and beg." The man spat at me. I nodded viciously. "Oh and.. answer all my questions. I just nodded. I'll do anything..  mostly everything.

I was removed from the chair and forced to my knees. "Now beg!" He cackled. I held my hands together in front of me. "Please sir! I'm begging you! I beg you too save my brother! I'll do anything! Anything! I need him!" I begged over and over again untill he was satisfied. It toom several minutes. Several more minutes if my brother approaching his death.

"Where is that pretty little fiancé of yours? I'd love too use her as one of my hoes." He chuckled too himself. My face turned too Victoria's family with a sympathetic look. "She's in England.. London. On-"

Before I could finnish my sentence the door broke open. Guns were fired. Bodies dropped to the ground. I was quickly cut free and handed a gun. I untied the others and ran to Mateo.

Ripping of my own T-shirt I applied pressure too the wound. "Gabriel.. its okay.." his voice shook as he spoke in a whisper. I began shaking my head. "No! No! Not my brother! You promised! You said 11 years ago that we woukd travel the world in 2023!!! That was a promise!" My voice trembled.

I didn't get scared often. But this is the most scared I've ever been. "Let.. me.. go." Mateo begged, "I won't feel a thing.. it'd my time brother.." tears began spilling out my eyes. Was this the end?

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