part 15

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*Victorias pov*

2 weeks had passed. Everything was perfect. It was Ruby's birthday tommorow so Mateo is throwing her a party. Our family couldn't be better.

I've been doing some thinking, maybe I should bring up the topic of marriage to Gabriel again.. I think I'm ready. To marry the man I love. And he loved me. I knew that.

I has dragged my fiancé along to the shops to get an outfit for the party, a masquerade ball, which he wasn't too happy about. He'd rather be at home doing god knows what.

I was trying on another outfit in the changing rooms while Gabriel stood outside.

I was currently wearing a blood red dress that faded into a black. The matching mask covered my eyes, it had a small ribbon on the side and a dark red with black  accents. Pair it with some black heels and it would look great.. on someone else. It didn't suit me.

I heard Gabriel from outside, "you okay Love? You've been in there a while.." he was stood outside the curtains. I hummed a yes.

"Can I come in?" He questioned. I opened the curtains ever so slightly so he could quickly slide in. His eyes where drawn to my body immediately. "I don't think ill get this one.." I mumbled, slightly embarrassed. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Why? You look really sexy!" He whispered with a small chuckle making me shake my head softly. "I prefer the blue one anyway, I'll just get that.." I tried to say before he interrupted. "Get both. You'll realise tommorow how fucking gorgeous you are!" He laughed.

However I simply shool my head, "it would cost a small fortune!"
Gabriel looked at me fed up. "I have the money. I'm paying so I decide. Your getting both." He barked making me jump back slightly.

I went to undress expecting him to leave but he didn't. "May I help you Mr Armani?" I flirted knowing fully well why he was staying. "Yup. Just keep undressing I've got a nice view here." Gabriel smiled at me innocently making me laugh.

I changed into my previous clothes, a short black dress with spaghetti straps, while Gabriel watched the whole time. Occasionally groaning.

He payed for my dresses (cha-ching) and we left the shops. As we were drove back to the house, Gabriel's hand rested on my thigh, slowly edging up. I shot him a warming look. He simply smirked as he leant in and kissed me.

I was lifted away for a moment untill I felt him begin moving my panties too the side. I quickly grabbed his wrist in attempt to stop him. There was litterally a driver in the front who could see.

"Gabriel." I barked. He simply chuckled. "Adrian. Put the window up." The window that separated us and the driver began moving upwards. It was a black out just like the rest of the windows.

"There, better?" He smirked at me. This time as he moved my underwear to the side I didn't stop him. 2 fingers slipped into his mouth, he sucked them for a moment as my chest rose and fell.

His fingers popped out of his mouth with an audible noise. They moved down just outside of my pussy. "You wanna do this?" The boy grinned. I wanted him so bad. So what else could've I done but nod.

"Use your words." His dominant side was coming out.

"Yes sir"


We pulled up too the house. Shit. He quickly pulled our clothes back on and helped me sort out my dress. Everything was near silent when we walked in. Weird.

Since Luca and Lorenzo came it was never quiet. Gabriel and I shared a confused look. "Maybe their asleep?.." he suggested. It was clear he didn't believe it himself.

He pulled out his gun judt incase and began walking upstairs while holding my wrist too ensure I was still there and wasn't hurt. We checked every room, the only one left was Mateos office.

I could hear soothing voices, and small cries. Oh no. Gabriel opened the door revealing the 2 children crying while My sister and Mateo tried to calm them down.

Luca and I were extremely close so as soon as he saw me he ran over and buried his head into my legs. Quickly, I lifted him up and hugged him. Lorenzo remained with Mateo as Gabriel walked over too him.

"Shh... it's okay.. why we crying Luca?" I stroked the back off his head while bouncing him up and down in my arms. I knew he's probably getting snot and tears all over me but it's what I signed up for I suppose.

The young boy began to speak "I-I- want m-my mummy!" He sobbed even more. Oh god. I knew this day would come as soon as I saw her laying beneath the rubble.. and the boys saw it too.. I could feel my heart sink too the bottom of my chest. Crashing down into a million pieces.

"I know baby.. its okay... we all miss her.. but everything's going to be fine.. you've got all of us! I know that won't replace her or your dad but it's better then nothing.." I tried to comfort him but he only cried more..

I glanced towards Enzo who had transferred from Mateo too Gabriel. He was clinging onto him the same way Luca clinged to me.

"How about we get some snacks and drinks then we can go up to bed? Sound good?" I rubbed the 5 year old boys back. Poor baby. As we took them down into the kitchen Gabriel grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze.


We where heading upstairs towards their room, opposite mine and Gabriel's. "How about we do the story and song in our room tonight?" It had become a daily thing for me to sing them too sleep now. Quote often Gabriel too, he'd fall asleep as I sung them to sleep.

They both cheered making Gabriel and I laugh as we all piled onto our queen size bed. After Gabriel finnished the story they all turned to me ready fir me to stop singing. "How about I sing you the song that has been passed down through generations of my family? I'll translate it into english since it's french"

"Good night, dear treasure"

I began singing to my boys. Just like my mother sang to my siblings and I.

"Close your eyes and sleep"

I still remember my own mothers voice singing the song to me

"Let your head fly away in the hollow of your pillow"

I felt sorry for the poor boys. Loosing my mother at age 20 was horrible. When I was grown up. But these boys.. they're still little..

"A beautiful dream will pass, and you will catch it"

"A beautiful dream will pass and you will remeber it."

[If you want to hear what the song sounds like it's called bercuese de brahms]

The boys where all laying there asleep. Including the man child. I felt awful. They never got enough time with their parents.

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