part 21

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*Victorias pov*

We were now at the reception, everyone was dancing. It was all perfect. The kids couldn't be happier, wether it was because it's 15 days untill Christmas or because there was loads of sweets.

Gabriel had to go talk to another mafia boss. After all now we were married, the company was his. No longer Mateos. I hated talking to all these mafia men so I awkwardly sat at our table talking to the gaurds nearby, Mathew included. Obviously.

I was starting to get bored. It was boring. Sat by yourself at your wedding while your husband went off talking to random men. I decided I'd try and listen in on their conversation, I was only a few feet away after all.

"We're going to France for our honeymoon, Victoria really wanted to go as its where her family is from through generations." Gabriel was clearly annoyed with him, rather funny I won't lie.

"Thats wonderful! I'm guessing there will be some babies soon!" The man who looked around late 20's exclaimed.

"Uh I'm not sure, but I heard you're wife has just gave birth a few weeks ago, is that correct?"

"Yes, a baby boy! Maybe in 20 years we can make an alliance with any daughters your wife pops out!" The man laughed and I patted Gabriels shoulder.

An alliance? What as in shipping off our future child! I would never allow that! I'd rather go through years of fighting instead!

Gabriel awkwardly laughed, "With Victorias genes we'll be getting loads of offers.. uhm anyway, I best get back to my wife"

Gabriel quickly hurried away towards our table again and took his seat. "You gonna ship of our future kids then?" I huffed. Gabriel's eyes widened.

*Gabriel's povs*

She thought I'd actually allow that too happen?! "What! No! I'd never let that happen! Why do you think I left so quickly!" I frantically explained and tried to get closer to Victoria.

I brang my lips to hers but she swerved out the way. "Love, I'm being honest. I don't want my kids to have an arranged marriage unless it's our last option, like it's that or they get killed!" I lowered my voice so we wouldn't bring too much attention to us.

She looked at me, "you pinky promise?" Pinky promise? I swear she's a child sometimes. Her pinky stuck out for me to interlock mine with it, which I done so. "Pinky promise."

She giggled to herself before pressing her lips against mine. They were soft. Like clouds. She pulled away first and we just locked eyes. Admiring eachother.
Only looking away when I heard a voice.

"Sorry to interupt but Victoria, its time for our father daughter dance!" Henry smiled at her and offered his hand. Which she took.

They took to the dance floor and I was left to my thoughts. I won't be having a mother-son dance for obvious reasons. And that crushed me. My mother meant everything to me. But now I had other things to focus on. Victoria, and my brothers. Who were left in my care when my parents passed.

As if on cue Lorenzi and Luca came running over. "Zietta Florenza (Aunty) is here!" They both squealed. What? She said she couldn't make it! I jumped up and rushed to the door, and sure enough. My mother's Twin was stood there.

My face grew into a smile as I hugged her tightly. "My grown up boy! It's been years! Let me look at you!" She squealed while pushing me away and looking ne up and down. "So handsome!"

She brought me back into a hug and swayed me back and forth.

"I am so sorry about your mother, and that I couldn't be there. Its all so chaotic back home, in Italy. But your doing so well! Lorenzo and Luca seem more then happy! What I can tell at least- this is my first time meeting Luca after all!" She continued ranting, she had a habit of doing that.

"Zietta Florenza (Aunty), will you do the Mother-Son dance with me?" I suddenly blurted out making her stop talking and look at me. "Oh.. uh.. I'd be honoured Gabriel!" A smile soread from ear to ear on both our faces.

"But I need to meet your beautiful bride first!" She laughed to herself. "Speak of the devi- angel?" Victoria didn't really suit the 'devil' name, so I swapped it for angel. She had finnished her dance and quickly found me. "Victoria, this is my Zietta Florenza! Zietta Florenza this is Victoria!" I introduced them both.

I could tell Victoria was confused, "Oh right! You don't speak Italian! My aunt!" I uttered. "Oh hello! How are you?" Victoria smiled and went to shake my Ziettas hand. "I'm a hugg-er!" My aunt suddenly pulled Victoria into a hug, "I'm lovely miele (honey) Welcome to the famiglia (family)"
My Zietta Florenza chuckled as she finnaly let Victoria go.

Zietta Florenza looked at me, "è bellissima! non vedo l'ora di conoscere eventuali futuri bambini!" (shes gorgeous! cant wait to meet any future babies!) I chuckled and agreed with my Zietta.


*Victorias pov*

Gabriel and his aunt had just finnished their dance. Ruby, Taylor and Anastasia was sat with me, all of us laughing and giggling. Mateo was sat on the other side of Ruby. Clearly bored.
"Mateo why don't you go play with the boys!" I hinted at him to go away as he dragged himself up from the chair. I felt 2 strong arms wrap around me and immediately knew who it is. My husband!

I smiled as I turned around too face him. "Well thats no fair you just told my husband to leave but yours is allowed to be here!" Ruby whined making everyone laugh.
"Well It's our wedding thats a bit different!" I tried to make up an excuse so she wouldn't tell Gabriel to leave.

I saw Hugo walling over too and knew Ruby would have another hissy fit. He grabbed Anastasia's arm and spun her into him as they went of into our own conversation too.

"At least you have a husband!" Taylor giggled as she looked at Abigale and Luca who were dancing together. "Awhhh! Vicky! Look!" I turned round to look at what she was talking about.

"If they don't get married when their older I swear to god!" I exclaimed.

(Cough cough maybe I could make a second book on that cough cough)

Gabriel grabbed my hand and began pulling me out to the dance floor. He placed one of his hands on my back the other holding my hand out. We began dancing around and having fun, not sticking to a specific dance. Just spinning eachother around untill we were both too dizzy to actually walk and laughing louder then everyone else.

We collapsed back on our seats still giggling to ourselves. I could just about keep my focus long enough to see Harrison approaching.

"Too dizzy to go for a dance with your big brother?" He had obviously seen Gabriel and I, to be fair I think everyone had. I shook my head and stood up, almost falling over as I done so and went to the dance floor with him.

As we danced he took a deep breath, as if he was about to break some terrible news. "Vicky.." Vicky? Last time he called me that was years ago! Something was going on!

"Harrison?" I wanted to know. But at the same time I didn't. "Please don't rush anything... with Gabriel.. please, I told Ruby that same thing on her wedding day so now I tell you.." I didn't understand. Don't rush things? With Gabriel? What did he mean?

"Dont feel like you have to have kids right away o-or give your life for him.. please." Oh.. thats what he meant.

"Well technically we do have kids, Luca and Lorenzo, we adopted them... remember? And if I wanted to give my life for Gabriel then you can't change that... okay?" I knew that Harrison wouldn't like what I'm saying.

"They are my boys. I chose to take on the responsibility of them.. and I don't regret that... and don't you think that if I didn't love Gabriel, I would've ran for it by now? I can get past them remember!" He simply nodded his head, showing he understood.

"Okay but just promise that if he's pressuring you into having more kids or anything at all! You'll tell me?" My brother begged. Something inside of me knew Ganriel would never do anything like that. I could just be blinded by love but I highly doubt it.

(A/n: On my tik tok I asked if people prefer binge reading or slowly reading, most said binge reading so I'll upload in chunks of 3-10 chapters from now on!)

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