part 9

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I had no idea how much time had passed but it had been a good few minutes. Even if it had felt like years. My brother begging to let him die, me begging to let me save him.

"Please Gabriel! You'll be okay!" He sobbed. I knew he was in pain. So much pain. But.. I didn't want to feel responsible for my brothers death. We dare the same flesh and blood for christ sake!

"Bury me next to ma' and dad.." tears pricked his eyes aswell as my own. "No! I can't! I can't loose you too!" My voice shook as my brother grabbed my shirt. "Promise me." He pleaded. There's a 50 50 chance of him dieing here. If I denied him his last wish I would be a monster! So I nodded, praying I wouldn't have to keep that promise.

I couldn't help but think back too our memories together.

"Mateo! Your terrible at this!" I yelled after my brother as he ran after the ball that I had kicked too him. We where playing soccer. "One day I'll get better then you!" He chuckled while running after the ball.

It was safe to say he did. As I aged and got more injuries. I got worse at the sport we'd play daily.

"Gabriel! Gabriel!" My 11 year old brother Mateo yelled my name. I turned round and saw him beaming up at me. He shoved a piece of paper in my hand. "You got an A?! Bull shit!" Oir laughs echoed the room. Guess u owed him 10 bucks.

I never did give him the 10 dollars.

I felt 2 men pull me away from my 20 year old brother. "Take him too the hospital. And fast." I barked at them, wiping away my tears. I scanned the room, most of our enemies where dead. The alive ones clutching onto life by a thread. "Finnish them off. I need to go get Victoria." I snapped at the men in the room. My fiancé's family followed after me


*Victorias pov*

It had been 48 hours since the fight broke out.. I hadn't heard anything yet. The past 24 hours I had been trying to keep the boys minds off what was going on. I mean.. I may well have to raise these boys!

Ruby and I where sat at the breakfast bar. Both scared and anxious. "Maybe we should take the boys out too the park.. Once they're up.." Ruby suggested. I just nodded. Fear was taking over my life. I didn't even like this dude. So why was he constantly on my mind?

Lorenzo walked into the room, "are my brothers back yet?" He sighed. I felt horrible. At least once an hour he would ask the same question and each time I'd have too shake my head.

Within the next hour both boys where up and eating their breakfast in silence. Our buttler entered the room. "2 black SUVS are pulling up the drive." Suvs? Black suvs? I immediately jumped up scraping the chair against the floor as I done so.

I began racing down the driveway towards the cars. The men had all gotten out as they saw me running towards them all. I had imagined I went to my dad or brothers first but I didn't. I went too Gabriel.

Collapsing in his arms as tears streamed down my face.

"Dont you ever put me in that position again! Understand me?!" I yelled. Was I angry? Relieved? Sad? I don't know what was happening to me. But as my arms fell round my fiancé. I felt safe. And like everything would be okay. My hand rested on the back of his head.

"Are you okay?! Is everyone okay?! You won right?! No more of this fucking bull shit?!" I shouted. Once again I wasn't sure why. "Its fine! I'm fine! Almost everyone else is fine or hopefully will be.. where are the boys?" The man responded.

As he said that, his two younger brothers walked out the door clutching onto Ruby. When they realised Gabriel was here they both ran towards him. It was only fair I let go of my fiancé so he can greet his brothers once again but I didn't want too. I just got him back.

I finnaly parted with him and turned to Harrison, Hugo and my dad. Ruby, my youngest sister was hugging Hugo. Suddenly I dove into Harrison and my father's arms. I'm so glad they're back. I don't think I would've lasted much longer without any others.


Many hugs and tears later we had all gone inside. We all sat round the coffee table on the sofas. Luca and Lorenzo sitting inbetween my fiancé and I, separating us. My dad finnaly broke the silence.

"We can host your wedding tommorow if it means you'll all be safe. There's kids involved now. It's better safe then sorry. We can get everything ready by tommorow evening at sunset if your up for it." He suggested. Gabriel and I shared a look. I think he wanted me too decide.

"I'm fine with it. You decide love." He prompted. So, I nodded my head. This time tommorow I would be a married women. I didn't exactly want to get married yet. But I can't deal with that stress again.

"How about we all go into town to get outfits, gifts, flowers and so on? the girls will seperate off so they can go get Victoria's dress." Hugo suggested. I liked the idea. Even if my own mother wasn't able too come dress shopping with me.. as I went too agree I was interrupted.

"With bodyguards." Gabriel boomed. My eyes rolled but I didn't bother arguing.

Before I knew it we where driving into town. We decided Lorenzo and Luca would go with Gabriel when the group splits up.
"Are you gonna fly anyone over?" I turned to my Fiancé. He simply shool his head.

"There is no one. Mateo is in the hospital." He looked out the window putting his cut in view again. "You need to get some rubbing alcohol for that cut if your refusing too get it checked out." I grabbed his hand making him look at me.

He brang my hand up too his lips and kissed it softly thankfully his younger brothers where asleep.

As we pulled up the boy helped me out the car before then helping his brothers out. "Where first?" My father asked as he walked up behind me. "We should leave outfits untill last so that we don't have too carry them round." I smiled at them all. Each of them nodded.

"Okay how about, we'll go get wedding gifts, you guys go get a cake or something. Just anything else you need for a wedding, Vicky take one of my credit card, a father is supposed to pay for half the wedding" My dad instructed everyone. Before I could do anything Gabriel shook his head.

"We'll use my own money sir." I looked at Gabriel confused. It was a tradition for the father if the bride to pay for half the wedding if they can afford it. I knew there was no point in arguing so just crouched down too Lorenzo and Luca. "You wanna come with us or do something else?" I asked them.

They looked at Gabriel who was having a literal staring contest with my dad. Typical men! "Is there a playground?" Luca giggled. Making me laugh too. I nodded my head, "Maybe some body gaurds can take you!" I looked up at Gabriel waiting for him too say something. He turned too 4 gaurds.

"Take my brothers too the playground. Anything happens to them your dead. Oh and actually play with them." He instructed. 4 men walked forwards and began leading the 2 boys too the park.

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