part 23

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"What do you mean it's an emergency?!" The panick had set in. Was it the boys?! The mafia? Mateo himself!? Ruby?!

"We've revieved a threat from the Germans! We left it thinking we had time but we just revieved another saying we had 24 hours! You need to get back here right now!" My brother yelled into the phone. Oh god.

"Okay, yeah.. we'll be back soon."

Just as I hung up the phone there was gun shots coming from the streets. People yelled and screamed as the streets cleared quickly. Germans where ontop of buildings guns all now pointed at us. Fuck.

One narrowly missed Victoria as I quickly pulled her to the floor. We hid behind a wall. My heart racing. I was holding her close to me. I could hear people outside our room door. Speaking in German. A loud thud was followed with the door crashing to the floor.

I ducked Victoria down and grabbed my gun out of my pocket.
It was aimed at one if the men. He was on the younger side. My guess is freshly out of school. Maybe even a drop out. 18 at the max. I was ready to shoot. But then I heard her voice.

"Gabriel please don't.." don't? "He's the same age as Ruby.." so what? Someone was going to die. It was them or us. Or one of us.. I looked at her confused before. Bang. A shot was fired. I quickly ducked. Thankfully.

"beh ora pagherai, stronzo" (Well now your gonna pay, asshole) I hissed before shooting at them. Wiping out half of them within minutes.

*Victorias pov*

I knew that my set of knives was just in the bedside table not even 20 inches away. I slowly moved closer so the draw was in arms reach. I began opening the draw trying to be as silent as possible and not bring attention to myself.

I reached for 2. One in each hand. There was 6 men left. And I had 4 knives. Let's just hope Gabriel still had a couple if bullets. As if on cue another bullet left Gabriel's Gun. 5 left.

I jumped up, out of Gabriel's shield. And threw a knife at one of the men. I was trying to go for the older one's. Spare the young boy his life. It hit the man right in the throat blood poured out everywhere. Gruesome.

Before I knew it I had wiped out 2 other men. So there was only 2 left. The young boy and a women. She looked around 25. But she dropped her weapon.

"Please.. Don't hurt my little brother." Her German accent was heavy. "I will do anything." She pleaded. "Let him go! Make us be your servants! Please do not hurt my baby brother!" She pleaded desperately. But Gabriel remained with his gun pointing at them.

"Gabe.. please.. don't kill them.." he looked at me in disbelief.

"Dont get involved with this Victoria. They're probably trying to make us feel bad so they can learn our plans!" He barked at me. No man talked to me like that. I was fed up with it.

I gave him a bitchy look before taking a step towards them. "Its okay. We'll let you live. But your now our hostages. Understood?"
The woman broke down crying.

"Danke schön! Danke Fräulein Armani! ich bin so dankbar!"
(thankyou! thankyou miss Armani! I am so grateful!) The women reached out her arms. Like she wanted a hug. I felt so bad.

"Victoria don't you dare-" Gabriel warned. I knew it was immature and probably dangerous. But I wanted to pass him off, so I walked closer and hugged the girl.

This action, for years to come.. was deeply regretted. Not just from me though.

A knife plunged into my back. I felt the painful sensation all over my body. I could feel the blood oozing out. This was it. This is how I die. Because I was being a stubborn bitch. I let out a scream of pain. Gabriel hadn't moved a muscle. He was frozen from shock

"Gabriel?" Gabriel leapt forward and pulled the woman of me. Shooting her while doing so. And her brother. My eyes went foggy.

*Gabriel's pov*

I watched as my soulmate was stabbed right before my eyes. My heart shattered into a million pieces as it crashed at the bottom of my heart. I froze for a millisecond. But snapped out if it when I heard Victoria whispered my name.

My first instict was to kill the woman. So that's what I done. I shoved her off my girl and shot her right inbetween her eyes.

I looked down at my wife laying on the floor sobbing. I quickly shot the other guy in his leg so he was unable to run. I collapsed next to my girl.

I brang her close to me. Her head on my lap. I pulled my shirt off of my body and placed it on the wound. It had gone right through her. She wasn't going to make it.

"Gabe? Is that you?" My eyes filled with tears. "Yeah... yeah it's me.. I'm here.. your gonna be okay.." I choked on my words as I tried to keep her calm.

*Victorias pov*

Even in my last moments he lied to me. I knew what was about to happen. I was going through do much pain that it'd be a miracle if I survived. "C-cut the.. bullshit!" I snapped. I wasn't going to let him convince me I was fine because that'd give him false hope and he needs to face the facts at the moment in time.

"I've just been stabbed and I'm loosing alot of blood.. okay? And it hurts! Like hell!" I could see the sadness in his eyes. His tears. He held me close to his body. I didn't want to leave. I don't want to go. I want to stay with him.

It had just hit me what death truly meant. And how scary it was. 2 years ago I wasn't scared to die. but now I had my boys. My sweet, sweet boys who had already lost everything. I'm leaving them just like how their mother and father had. And I'm not just talking about Luca and Lorenzo.

Gabriel. He was my boy. My husband. My now or never! And I guess what once was now.. is never. In many different ways. We'll never grow old together. We'll never have kids of our own.
We'll never own the houses in France and England.
We'll never get to love and hold eachother ever again.
And that crushed me.

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