part 2

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"Also don't call me vicky. Only people I like call me Vicky. Hate to be the one to burst your bubble but I hate you. So you'll call me by my name. Not any nicknames." I barked as he led the way onto the plane while holding my arm so I can't run. He simply nodded not really caring.

As we made out way too the seats he sat ne down then sat opposite me.  "Let's put some things straight here. it's better for business this way. Because your family aren't going attack us if their girls are here with us." He leant back on his chair. "And your gorgeous. Makes me look better if I have a pretty wife." He added at the end. I won't lie he was extremely attractive but that won't change the fact that his dad killed my mother just an hour and a half ago. He kiddnapped me and my 17 year old sister. He's a litteral serial killer no doubt. And I was stuck with him.

"I've got my own rules. If this is going to happen because I can't escape. Spoiler alert I will try and escape 24/7. I'll have my own room. If anything happens romantically I say what happens and what doesn't. So no randomly kissing me. No randomly hugging me because I'll be choosing if I want that too happen. Got it?" I shot him the evil eyes the whole time, trying to intimidate him. He let out a strained laugh. What was so funny?

"Love. Incase you haven't realised noticed. In a mafia marriage the man chooses what happens." He scoffed now getting visibly annoyed. I stared at him and bit the inside of my cheek.

"Fine. But my sister and I will share a room. I don't want anything happening too her. She's only 17." I barked. The boy nodded his head. At least he allowed that. I tried to ignore the fact he had called me by a nickname when I told him not too but that was the least of my problems.

I looked over at Ruby who had red and puffy eyes. She was balling her eyes out while Gabriel's brother sat there awkwardly trying to talk to her. After excusing myself I walked over too my sister. "Rubes? Wanna come sit with me?" I smiled softly at her as she immediately got up. I led her back to the seats Gabriel and I where sat at.

There where 4 so enough for all of us. As we sat down I pulled the girl into a hug. I felt horrible. "I was saying too Gabriel how I wanted us too have a room together... you like that idea?" My voice was in a calm tone trying to keep my sister from getting more upset. She nodded her head while crying into my shoulder.

Gabriel stood up and walked over too his own brother. "Whats his name?" I made light conversation with her. She looked up and wiped her tear stained face. "M-mateo.." she stumbled over her words. I rubbed her back still hugging her.

"Whats he like?" I asked her. I was hoping that she'd say something good. She shrugged her shoulder before talking, "stubborn.. arrogant.." she lowered her voice, "He's pretty thought at least there's that.." we both let out a small giggle. I looked over at the boys only too see two eyes staring back at me. They where Gabriel's. I quickly looked away and back too Ruby.

"Its all gonna be okay, I promise.. you can't even get married any time soon you've got to wait at least 2 months before your 18 cos I am not giving consent for you too get married unless you want it!" I exclaimed while half laughing. All that was important too me is Ruby a this moment.


The plane lands. The whole of the flight I had been with Ruby. As the seat belt sign turned off Gabriel and Matteo walked over too us. They had too make sure we didn't try and make a Run for it. At first they offered there hands but neither of us took them so they had too grab our arms.

"If your not going to cooperate we have too be more harsh.." Gabriel explained. As they walked us off the plane I realised that he wasn't actually being too rough. I looked over towards Ruby but Matteo was being more rough. "Hey! Cut it out! Can't you see her arms going red?!" I hissed at him. He rolled his eyes before loosening his grip a little.


Not long after we arrived at their house. It was grand and large.
"What size clothes are you? Shoes? I'll send my maid down too get you some clothes." Gabriel turned to us both. Ruby shrugged. She was hopeless and never knew what size she was, she always just asked mum. "She's a 6 for clothes and shoes. I'm a 8 for clothes and 6½ for shoes." Both the boys looked at me confused and shocked.

"Their British sizings. Its different from the US you'll have too figure that out." Garbeil pulled out his phone and googled it. He turned to a woman who I'm guessing was a maid and mumbled something before pulling out a wad of cash and handing it too her.

"She's going too get you clothes. C'mon we'll show you your room."
Gabriel spoke. Him and Matteo began walking up the stairs as we hesitantly followed them.

They stopped outside a large door ans turned too us. Matteo cleared his throat, "since you two are being so difficult- manners." Gabriel interrupted. The younger brother let out a frustrated grunt, "Because you two are insisting on being in the same room. This will have to be your room." He opened the door revealing a gorgeous bedroom for two.

It had 2 single beds, large floor length windows, large walk in wardrobe, what I asume to be a bathroom. It was so gorgeous. "Thankyou" I half whispered too the boys. "Oh those windows are like 4 inch thick you won't be able to break them." Gabriel informed me.

I tutted in annoyance. Thats one way of escaping crossed off. They left us too get settled in and get more sleep after the flight.

Ofcourse we just lay awake. I was hoping Ruby would atleast get some sleep so I walked over too her. "Rubes, get some sleep, I'll stay awake, I wanna read a bit.." obviously she felt more comfortable if I was awake as she immediately lay down and closed her eyes.


About an hour and a half passes and there's a knock at the door, I whispered for whoever it is too come in. Gabriel opens the door halfway just enough so he can stand in the doorway, "is she asleep?" He whispers pointing at Ruby. I nod my head, "I wanna talk too you can you come out here?" He continues too whisper.

I looked over at Ruby and hesitated. She was in a deep sleep.. she probably wouldn't notice

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