part 12

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I watched as my little sister walked down the aisle in what would've been my wedding dress, but was now hers. We had to alter it a bit too fit her. She looked stunning. It was a mermaid style dress. Crisp white. The top half was lace with a V-cut. Her heels matched the crisp white and she had a tiara vale placed on her head.

Mateo was stood at the front with a sweet smile on his face. I was her bridesmaid. Mateos best men being his 3 brothers. All 3 of them were hard too control sometimes so I'm shocked they are all still this quiet.

I was wearing a corset princess dress. It was a dusty pink with gold highlights. My shoes matched the same dusty pink colour and I wore a gold necklace that matched with my earings. My breasts where accented in the dress.

Most the men looked the same. All in a black suit with a crisp white short and bow tie or Windsor knot. Including my fiancé.

We exchanged a glance as each of our siblings met hand in hand.


The ceremony was gorgeous. We where now at the reception where alot more guests had joined. I hadn't had a clue who most of them where. I was currently on the dance floor with Luca. He had wanted to dance with someone so I volunteered. He was on my hip as I swayed both of us from side to side.

"Why didn't you get married to Gabriel?" The young boy asked. I gulped as I tried to think of an answer that would leave no questions to be asked. "Mateo and Ruby wanted to get married so we let them!" I tried to end the conversation.

But what I heard next made my heart skip a beat. "Will I ever get a new mummy or daddy?" The words slipped out the boys mouth. I was speechless. I didn't know what too say. Thankfully my fiancé was quick to join us and swoop into the conversation.

"No, you'll only ever have 1 mummy and daddy. But your going to be okay. You've got Mateo, Ruby, Victoria and I." He took the boy from my hip and pressed a kiss against my temples.

"Who will I live with?" The boy continued asking questions. Great. Both Gabriel and I looked at eachother. "Thats not sorted out yet Luca.." the man explained.


By the end if the night there where 2 tired boys. No I'm not talking about Luca and Lorenzo. Mateo and Gabriel. They had spent the whole night talking to guests and trying to entertain their younger brothers who where extremely energetic considering its 3am.

Ruby and I sat on a table together. There was only about 20 people left. Including ourselves. "Maybe we should take Lorenzo and Luca to bed?" My younger sister suggested. I simply nodded my head and helped her up.

I brushed past Gabriel and quickly drew him away from his conversation. "Ruby and I are going to get the boys into bed, we'll be 5 minutes." Before I could walk off he quickly grabbed my arms. "I'll help, Ruby can stay." He demanded.

We dragged the 2 energetic children up too their rooms. I wreslted Luca into his pyjamas and Gabriel done the same for Lorenzo on the opposite side off the room. Never give kids sugar.

After ten minutes they where both changed. Gabriel threw them both over his shoulder and took the boys too the bathroom so they can brush their (likely rotting) teeth.

I giggled too myself as I heard their laughter.

They all came out still giggling and hanging over my fiancé's shoulders. He chucked each of them into their beds. "Please can we have a story!" Lorenzo pleaded at me. Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"Enzo I already said no, it's late." He scoffed making me laugh. "No stories.. how about a lullaby?" I smiled at them. They both beamed.

I began singing as we tucked them both in.

"You are my sunshine"

"My only sunshine"

"You make me happy, when skies are grey"

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you"

"Please don't take my sunshine away"

My fiancé admired me as I sung to the boys

"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping"

"I dreamed I held you in my arms"

"When I awoke dear, I was mistaken"

"So I hung my head and cried"

"You are my sunshine,My only sunshine" 

"you make me happy when skies are grey"

"You'll never know dear how much I love you"

"Please don't take my sunshine away"

I whispered as we turned off the lights and shut the door. The man grabbed my waist and pulled me into him. "When where you going to tell me you can sing" He smirked at me. I simply shrugged my shoulder as I began walking away.

He followed me into our room and placed a kiss on the back off my neck as I began changing. "I need to tell you something Victoria.."

*Gabriel's pov*

She turned to face me, wrapping her arms around me. My heart pounded against my chest. There was a lump in my throat. Was I really going to say this? I stumbled over my words. Spit it out Gabriel!

"I'm completely and entirely in love with you.." I blurted out before I could stop myself. Her eye brows rises in shock. Oh god. She's going to reject me completely.

"I- uh- wow.. uhm-" she was struggling for words! Shit! I shouldn't of ever said anything! "I don't know what to say Gabriel.." she whispered

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