Chapter 8

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TW: Torture, Graphic Content

Location: The Prison

Dream's POV

I sat in silence as the lava surrounding my cell slowly fell away. I had a visitor. I felt like it had been weeks since I'd last seen anymore, dead or alive. The lava seemed to fall quicker than I remembered, meaning I didn't have much time to guess who was coming to see me. And before I knew it, I could see a silhouette standing across the moat of lava.

I was quite surprised when I saw Quackity standing staring at me. It did take me a moment or two to recognise him. He looked completely different to how I remembered him. He wore a white shirt paired with a red tie with grey suspenders and trousers. The only thing I felt was confusion as I continued to stare are the boy.

Everyone who'd visited me had a reason, either to take out their anger or to keep me company, but I couldn't work out why Quackity would do either. He wouldn't be pretending to forgive my actions like Tommy and he wouldn't be having a nice chat with me like Y/N did. I couldn't remember the last conversation I had with him.

I watched on as he simply waved at me from across the lake as the redstone contraption he was standing on slowly made its way across the magma. I felt myself jump at the unfamiliar sound of the barrier shooting up from the ground, separating me from him as he stepped off the platform and into my cell. I found myself subconsciously making my way over to the fence of netherite.

"Hey man."
I felt my eyes widen slightly as I watched a confident smirk appear on his face. No one had seemed that confident coming to see me, not even DreamXD. And from that moment on, I knew Quackity wanted something. He had a plan. And after staring into his eyes for just a second or two, I knew I was right. His whole expression gave it away, because it was exactly what I used to do when I knew I was going to get what I wanted.

I was still quite confused though. There was no way his visit could benefit him in any way. He was being stupid. Visitors weren't allowed to harm prisoners and it was impossible to get me out of the hell hole. He couldn't do anything. If I had my mask on, I would've smiled, smirked even, but it had been discarded as soon as I stepped into the prison's walls in case I decided to hurt myself.

"Sorry, it's just kinda strange seeing you here. I haven't seen you in a while, you know. How've you been?"
"I've been."
I smiled at the boy, trying to make it seem as genuine as possible while deep down I already wanted him to leave.

"How long have you been here now?"
"I don't know. I lost my clock a while ago."
I glanced over to the empty spot on my wall. I had thrown it into the lava in a fit of rage once again, but this time Sam never came to replace it.

"Your clock? You got to keep a clock in here?"
"Not anymore."
I only realised that the lava had covered the exit to my cell again when the barrier lowered, allowing Quackity to walk in.

"This is nice."
"Yeah. I like the crying obsidian. It's a new-ish addition."
I reached one of my hands up to catch some of the dripping purple liquid. I silently watched as Quackity continued to look around my lonely prison cell. I felt awkward, not really knowing what to say as he ran his finger along the wall.

"It seems a little crowded. I don't imagine you're very comfortable here. How does it feel though? I mean, you used to do whatever you wanted, you used to say whatever you wanted, whatever you did went, and now you're just stuck here. And you can't do anything about it."
"Are you here to rub it in or something?"
I crossed my arms over my chest as I leant against the back wall of my room. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to judge Quackity's expression while he thought of a response, but when I saw a smirk reappear on his face, I knew something was definitely up.

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