Chapter 20

402 21 15

Location: Pogtopia


I was a tool to be used. That's all I ever was. Most effective in the hands of someone experienced and useless when left to gather dust. I did whatever was asked of me as long as it was for the 'greater good.' I was blind to how I was being used for people's gain, all I cared about was doing the right thing. No matter the risks and the scarifies made, if it was the 'right' thing to do, I'd lend a hand without hesitation. All I wanted was to help, and I did just that throughout my time in L'manburg and the Dream SMP, never fully realising that I was just being disposed of after I'd served my purpose every single time.

And once again I'd been disposed of without even realising. I'd sworn to myself that I'd never be a follower again yet I'd let Wilbur walk right over me, bossing me around and talking to me like I was shit. I had been completely oblivious to it until he walked out on me and left me to deal with his mess once again. He had been the one desperate to save Dream, not me, yet there I was sitting in Pogtopia alone trying to work out what to do. I still had my deal with Punz, but dealing with Dream wasn't the entire issue. Although part of me was convinced that leaving for a while was the best idea, I had still hoped that I would've been given a reason to stay and that was no longer a possibility with Will gone.

Feeling frustrated with both myself and the world around me, for the first time in a long time I didn't know what to do. The line between rights and wrongs had intertwined in my head and I found myself at a loss. Alone in the cold caves of Pogtopia without a purpose, gathering dust as each day passed.
"Will you stop sulking? Wilbur's gone, so what? He made his bed, now he can lie in it."
I looked up from my hands to scowl at the masked blond who had been sitting opposite me for some time. I had chosen to ignore him, not in the mood for any sort of conversation, yet he never left. He barely even moved. We had sat together for what felt like hours and every once in a while I could feel his eyes on me, expecting me to say something, but I guess he'd finally got bored of the waiting game.

"Sitting doing nothing isn't going to change what happened. You need to forget about it, forget about him."
Once again I remained silent, feeling slightly uneasy about where the conversation was heading. I didn't trust him or any word that came out of his mouth.
"Aren't you meant to be working out or something?"
His drawn-on eyes burned into mine and I refused to back down, staring directly at the porcelain mask. Tension was quick to grow between us as the room fell into silence, neither of us willing to let the other win. Seconds slowly became minutes as I refused to look away, too prideful to back down. I also did want an answer to my question although I had an idea of what it would be. I wanted to hear it from him.

The man in front of me sighed before he turned away and a smile was quick to spread across my face at the win. It was such a small interaction, but the child that was still inside of me felt victorious.
"I was worried okay? You've been sat here for a whole day. It isn't healthy."
I scoffed, completely disregarding everything he had said as I shook my head.
"You really have gone soft."
I heard a huff from behind the mask before Dream stood up and walk over to me, his figure towering over my own as I looked up at him with a smile on my face.
"I don't find you intimidating Dream. Not anymore."
He crossed his arms over his chest in response, still staring down at me as I sat on the floor.

"Why don't we test that theory then?"
My smile faltered as a rush of curiosity flooded over me, but I remained silent. I didn't want to give the masked man the satisfaction of letting him know he's caught my attention.
"Y/N I want you to run. And you better hope you don't get caught."
I just looked at him, my eyes widening as I remembered those exact words and what they were referring to. Manhunt. The game that had preoccupied me for a lot of my time in the Dream SMP.

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