Chapter 5

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TW: Mentions of Gore

Location: Dream's Subconsciousness

Dream's POV

I was running.
The cold breeze of the autumn air hit against my face as I twisted and turned through the trees. I felt a smile grow on my face as I created distance between myself and the cruelty of my parents that awaited me at home. I hadn't felt so free in such a long time. It was exhilarating, breaking the rules, heading towards the lands I had been forbidden to go near. But I was a curious boy.

As my lungs began to scream for air, I slowed my pace into a walk. The trees around me seemed to thin as I made my way over to the edge of the forest, heading towards a place I had never been before.

I could hear the sound of life before I saw it. My smile somehow grew further as my curiosity got the best of me, making me forget to take any safety precautions that my parents had taught me. The people I was going to visit were dangerous in their eyes. It wasn't a good place for a teenager to be running around.

My friends Sapnap and George had said otherwise though. They even apparently made friends with the new locals, but I didn't really believe them. After all I had heard, they were just here to cause trouble and start fights that they couldn't win.

They were bad people. But that didn't stop me from wanting to know who they were. If anything it made me long to know what was doing on beyond the woods.

Pushing my way through the last couple of shrubs, I finally made it to the tree line, allowing me to look down at the valley below. Numerous houses and cottages littered the fields below me in the canyon.

There were hundreds of people running around all over the place, each of them seemingly participating in building something, although I couldn't work out what. Taking a deep breath, I pulled the hood of my travellers cloak over my head and I began to make my way down the hill.

No one seemed to notice me as I slipped through the crowd, each individual too busy carrying what looked like blackstone bricks to pay any mind to me. Every once in a while I would make eye contact with someone but they were always quick to send a smile my way, which I would gingerly return.

Although everyone I passed in the new nation seemed to have a nice vibe about them, I still made sure to somewhat keep my guard up, just in case they did try to hurt me.

Soon I found myself standing in the middle of what seemed to be the city centre. The path I walked on surrounded a beautiful tree covered in Autumn colours. It seemed to be the centre of attention, with several different smaller paths cutting off into winding streets that led to the many houses and shops that surrounded me.

The nation had a very peaceful nature to it and every citizen acted as if they didn't have a care in the world. I longed to feel like that. To forget about the pressure of being an upcoming ruler. Not being restricted by the thought of having to continue on my dads legacy. I didn't want to rule. I was scared I would fuck it all up and destroy everything my family worked for.

Sighing, I continued along the path and the houses soon dispersed, revealing a pond and a rather large field. In the middle of it sat what looked like a caravan. It seemed extremely out of place compared to everything else, which made it all the more interesting.

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