Chapter 12

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Location: Unknown

GhostY/N's POV

I cringed slightly when the door creaked loudly as I opened it. The white smoke of my breath quickly disappeared as I stepped inside the cottage and out of the blizzard, yet the feeling of the bitter winds still had me shivering. I could hear the fire crackling in the fireplace as the smell of burning wood filled my nostrils. The room had a very homely feeling to it, which was something I wasn't quite used to.

Standing completely still for a moment or two, I listened to the silence that filled the house, letting me know that I was indeed alone. Sighing, I made my way to the small circular table in the corner of the room and sat down in one of the two oak chairs that were placed around it.

It took me almost a minute of rummaging through my pockets to find a piece of parchment, some ink, and a quill, but once I had found them, I got to writing. It took me a while to get used to how I was making myself write, not wanting my handwriting to be recognised, but once I did, I found myself struggling with how I was going to word what I wanted to say.

Running a hand through my hair, I dipped the nib of my quill back into the ink and when back to writing, but something made me stop. The air around me had shifted and the hairs on the back of my neck shot up as I watched the fire opposite me flicker.

Someone was here.

Shooting up from the chair I sat it, I quickly grabbed the inkpot and quill I had been using before making my way over to the fire and tossing them both into it. I hadn't really said what I wanted to, but I was sure he'd get the idea of what was going on once he'd read the letter.

Throwing my cloak's hood over my head, I briskly made my way over to the door and grabbed ahold of the door handle.
"So Dream wants to call in his favour does he?"
I gulped as my grip on the handle tightened. I couldn't blow my cover, not after all these months.

I yanked the door handle open and was about to start sprinting down the stair what a strong hand latched itself onto my shoulder and spun me around. I stood frozen on the spot as I stared into the wide scarlet eyes that belonged to the man I had gone out my way to write to.


I could feel his grip on my shoulder loosen as his eyes rapidly darted across each of my facial features, making me think that he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. I almost smiled at the thought, managing to keep Technoblade in the dark about my whereabouts, I thought he was smarter than that, but apparently not. A feeling of triumph washed over me at the thought.

"Techno what's going on... Oh"
Getting pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of a new voice, I began to squirm in Technoblades now tightener grip. I didn't have a clue what was going on, but the last thing I expected was for Technoblade to pull me into a hug. I froze in his embrace as the smell of ash filled my nostrils, making me screw up my face.

"We all thought you were gone."
I stumbled back as his grip on me loosened again after what felt like forever. I didn't know what to say and neither did he or the winged man that stood behind him by the looks of things.

"I got to go."
It took me a couple of seconds to compose myself but as soon as I did, I darted towards the door once again and of course, I was pulled away from it once more.
"You can't just leave. Everyone thought you were truly gone but yet you somehow show up almost 6 months later with no plan to stay? What's going on?"

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