Chapter 21

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Location: Pogtopia


I found myself frozen as the brunette continued to rush towards me as the rain pounded against my frozen skin. I felt quite irritated at the fact that Dream had left me to fend for myself against the unknown person. The old him wouldn't have done that. He would've cringed at the thought of running away, never being one to back down from a fight. But the man he had become was an entirely different person. He was a coward.

Arms slipped around my waist and I was lifted into the air. Yelping at the sudden action, I began to struggle with my captors, trying my best to escape, but my tired, fatigued body meant my efforts were futile. I was unexpectedly placed back on my feet moments later and I stumbled backwards, slipping on the wet grass and tumbling to the ground. Trying to regroup myself, I lifted myself up with my hands as I attempted to catch my breath. The cold was eating away at my flesh and white puffs of air escaped my mouth every time I tried to provide my lungs with more air.

I kept my eyes locked on his muddy trainers, debating whether I should look at him. I felt vulnerable, something I hadn't felt in a long time, lying before him, shivering, without an ounce of strength left in me.
"Woah are you okay?"
I could barely make out his voice in the howling wind. I shuffled away, trying to put distance between the man and I but all that did was make him step forward. He leant down towards me, his hand reaching out as I flinched. The ice-cold skin of his hand came into contact with my forearm as he pulled me to my feet, his eyes finally meeting my own.

His wet hair clung to his face as his brown eyes met my own. He looked tired, with deep grey bags beneath his eyes that made his face look sickly pale. It was as if he hadn't slept in months, which would've been very unlikely since I knew he loved to sleep as often as he could.
"I'm so glad to see you're okay!"
I frowned, confused at how happy he sounded. It was as if he wanted to see me.

"Look George, I get you're only being nice to me because I'm helping Dream..."
"Why would you think that? I care about you Y/N. Me and Dream aren't even friends anymore anyways..."
I furrowed my eyebrows as I continued to stare at him, unsure of what to do or say.
"Look Y/N, I know now isn't a good time so I'll make it short. We all still care for you whether you want to act on that or not. Nothings going to change that."
I couldn't understand what he was getting it. Maybe it was the cold slowing down my thought process, but I could grasp why he was telling me that.

"Who's we?"
George paused for a moment, seemingly in shock that I'd even ask such a question.
"Me, Sapnap..."
"Sapnap hates me. You didn't see the way he looked at me during the final duel."
George just rolled his eyes, a subtle smile making its way onto his face. Something about him felt so warm even as he stood soaked to the bone.
"He won't admit to it, but he's been looking for you just as much as everyone else has. He misses you Y/N. We all do."

Location: Pogtopia


The day had finally come for Punz to come and collect Dream. I'd gotten up early and busied myself with cleaning up the mess we'd made in Pogtopia and packing the little belonging that I had gathered in my time staying there. I would be leaving once I'd dealt with Dream. Sighing, I gathered up the old wooden training swords that me and Dream had been using the day before and placed them into the nearby bucket where they lived. It was kind of odd to see Pogtopia so tidy. From the very beginning of the revolution, it had been a complete mess, but as I looked around, it looked untouched. Exactly the way we found it.

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