Chapter 11

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TW: Mention Of Death, Slightly Graphic Content

Location: The Prison

Tommy's POV


A sour taste filled my mouth as I began to cough. All I could feel was pain. I didn't know what was going on, half expecting Wilbur to start talking about his solitaire arena, but he never did.

It took a while for me to build up the strength to open my eyes, and once I did, I found myself staring at the familiar obsidian wall opposite me. I tried to look around so I could see what Wilbur was up too but a jolt of pain refrained me from doing so.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I began to realise how much agony I really was in. I couldn't move without feeling as if I had been stabbed hundreds of times and the hand that came into contact with my shoulder only made it a hundred times worse.

"Tommy wake up."
I froze when I finally registered who the voice belonged to. For two months I believed that it was all finally over. That I no longer had to suffer. Yet I found myself trapped with him once again with no one to save me.

"You're back!"
I flinched away from his hand as my breathing became heavy. I tried my best to back away from him, but the pain was too much.
"You okay Tommy?"
I started to look all around the room, finally realising that it wasn't as bright as the version of it I'd just left. Dream started to move closer to me and all I could do was watch.

"So what was it like?"
"What was what like?"
I knew exactly what he meant but I didn't want to tell him. I didn't want to relive it. But when I locked eyes with him, I knew I had no other option.
"I was still trapped here, only it was brighter..."
"Where there others? Where you alone?"
I knew where the conversation was heading, he was obsessed with her after all, but I decided to play along as I wasn't in any position to anger him.

"Yeah. There was Schlatt. There was..."
"Wait you saw Schlatt? How's he doing? What happened to him?"
I paused for a moment as I remember the only time he'd been awake while I was there. He could barely walk straight due to how drunk he was and he wouldn't shut up about how I ruined his birthday party.

"He was asleep."
I turned away from him unable to look into his crazed eyes any longer.
"What did it feel like?"
I gulped as I remember it. I remember it all. Every single second after my skull had finally cracked due to Dreams relentless punching. The white abyss that tore me apart before I'd arrived in the afterlife.

"It felt like my body was taken apart and put back together again and then torn back apart what you brought me back..."
"And who else was there?"
I shook my head at how desperate he sounded. I understood that he missed her but I didn't deserve what he'd done to me all because of his loneliness without her. She wasn't worth that.

"Wilbur, he was there."
"What was Wilbur like?"
I almost smiled as I remember the feeling of safety within his embrace. How nice it had felt to finally see him again.

"He seems sad. Empty almost. As if he's the shell of the man he once was."
Dream mindlessly nodded, clearly not paying attention to what I was saying.
"And then there was Y/N."
"She was there? Did you talk to her? Is she alright? Did she mention me?"
I turned my head around so I could meet his desperate eyes once again.

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