Chapter 13

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Location: The Prison

Dream's POV

Everything hurt.

Every bone in my body ached.

I didn't have the energy to move.

I couldn't even bring myself to eat the pile of potatoes that had gathered a meter away from me.

I'd given up.

I no longer had a reason to keep fighting.

I no longer had the strength to either.

As a shiver shot up my spine, I curled up into a ball in the corner of my cell. It was so cold and I was so unbelievably tired. All I needed to do was close my eyes and have a nap, it was as simple as that. So what if I didn't have the strength to open them ever again, at least the pain would stop.

Slowly but surely, my eyes began to flutter shut as my body finally started to relax against the cold obsidian floor.
"Well hello there."
Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to ignore the voice in my head.

"Long time no see."
The monotone voice rung throughout the cell as something hard hit me in the back of the head. I winced at the contact, rolling over slightly to see a glistening golden apple on the floor a couple of meters away from me.

"Hello Dream! I bet you didn't expect to see me here."
My eyes fell onto a pair of black boots, and the owner of the shoes knelt down and grabbed the apple that he'd previously thrown at me from off the floor. His loose pink hair covered the majority of his face as he handed me the golden apple, which I began to eat as soon as I had it in my hands.

I could feel a burst of energy run through me as soon as the taste of the sweet apple landed on my tongue and a tingling sensation filled every part of my body as soon as I had swallowed the first bit of the food. The pain I felt slowly began to ease as the healing potion contained in the apple began to work. I gingerly sat up from my slouched position, wincing slightly after being sat in the same spot for so long.

"What are you doing here?"
Technoblade just shook his head before he reached his hand out, prompting me to grab ahold of it before he pulled me to my feet.
"To get you out of here of course. I overheard a conversation between Sam and Quackity and thought you might need some help."
I nodded in response as I finished my apple, already feeling a lot better than I had been a couple of minutes prior.

"Right so..."
Technoblade swiftly pulled his cloak to the side to reveal a set of netherite armour strapped onto the inside of it with bands of elastic that seemed to have been sewn into the cloak in a hurry.

"How long have you been carrying that? It must way a ton."
"Meh, I barely even noticed it was there."
I rolled my eyes as Technoblade began to remove the armour piece by piece before handing the set over to me, and a couple of minutes later, I was pretty much ready for battle.

"Oh and one last thing."
Techno slowly reached behind his back, making sure he took as long as he could just so he could get a reaction out of me. Right as I was about to complain, he grabbed hold of the handle of what seemed to be a weapon.

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