Chapter 16

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Location: The Platform


The ground shook from beneath me as it lowered me and Will into the secret room below us, the room I had visited before anyone knew it existed. Bringing my hand to rest on the hilt of my axe that was still sheathed in my belt, I rolled my shoulder back and tried to seem more confident than I actually was.

I don't think what me and Will were doing had really hit me yet. It had taken weeks, maybe even months, of preparation to get to where we stood on the platform and a lot had happened in that time.

I was made aware of the sudden unexpected advantage that me and Wilbur seemed to possess the day that Tommy had shown up in the afterlife. Of course, I had expected Dream to do something irrational, but I'd never expected him to be so desperate to see me again.

Every single day after Tommy had left me and Will worked out how everything would fall into place. From his revival, to Dream escaping, and even Wilbur leaving his beanie where I'd died just so I'd know it had all worked. It all seemed so far fetched to begin with, but as everything began to fall into place I realised that everything was going to work out exactly how I wanted it to.

I can remember stumbling down that mountain as if it was yesterday, still getting used to the feeling of grass beneath my worn shoes. I remained in the shadows as a descended, aware of the fact that Wilbur and Dream could've appeared at any moment.

And they did.

As I lowered myself down onto the ground after climbing down a cliff face, I heard the distant mumbling of chatter. It was only brief, but I heard it nonetheless. Sighing at the slight inconvenience, I spotted a nearby bush and hurried over to it so I could hide behind it.

A couple of minutes later I heard the sound of distant footsteps approaching where I hid and without even thinking, I poked my head over the top of the bush to see who was coming. Of course I already knew who it was, but that didn't stop me from making sure that it wasn't actually a dream. That I was actually back.

As soon as I peered over the top of the bush, I spotted two figures walking up a path, one slightly smaller than the other. Wilbur, the tallest of the two, wore the same brown trench coat that desperately needed washed paired with black slacks and of course a beanie that matched the one I had recently placed on my head. His eyes locked with mine almost instantly, a disapproving expression on his face as he looked at my choice of hiding spot.

Rolling my eyes and sending my old friend a smile, I finally turned to the man that was walking behind him, his masked face looking down at the rocks he kicked between his feet, making him completely unaware of the interaction going on in front of him.

His hair was a lot longer than I remember it being, almost long enough to reach the top of his shoulders. He desperately needed a haircut but I suppose being on the run leaves no time for that. He looked extremely scrawny, fragile even, as if he'd break in two at any sort of contact, but that was probably down to what he endured during his time in the prison.

From a single glance, I noticed his severe limp and the caution he took with each and every step, making me realise that Quackity had really managed to do a number on him in the prison. I found myself smiling from afar as I watched him struggle to keep up with Wilbur as they continued up the mountain. It was nice to watch him suffer.

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