Chapter 18

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Location: Pogtopia


For the next hour or so I traversed the cave that I had called my home for so many months. My footsteps echoed around me as I walked about and I found myself comforted by the noise. Everything was the same as how we'd left it, buttons were plastering the walls and old training swords were scattered across the floor. It was an absolute state, but it wasn't like that mattered.

I wasn't planning on staying long, maybe a week or so until Dream was able to fend for himself. I was going to go visit George before going away for a while, but part of me knew it wouldn't be that simple. No matter how many times I'd tried, I was never able to escape the havoc that constantly surrounded my life. But maybe this time would be different.

Sighing, I walked around a bend, following the light that illuminated from around the corner. Brushing a hand through my hair to keep it out of my face, I scowled as I saw two men sitting together further down the cave. They were huddled around what appeared to be a small fire to try and keep warm. I almost laughed at the sight. Two years ago the pair wouldn't have been able to stand in the same room as each other without trying to kill one another and now they were cuddle buddies. It was quite funny how things worked out.

Making sure my presence was still unknown, I headed closer to the pair, curious to see what they were doing. It didn't take me long to realise that they were both drinking beer and chatting to one another as if they were old friends. I could barely make out their slurred words as I continued to make my way over to them, hoping to grab something to drink as well.

As I continued to approach the boys, I could make out the bloody bandages covering Dream's bare chest, hiding the majority of his torso. Letting my eyes linger for a moment too long, I soon felt the presence of a pair of eyes on me. Turning to face Wilbur as he cleared his throat I watched as he looked me up and down with an odd expression on his face before turning away.

"Where's the beer?"
I tried my best to keep my tone neutral as I wanted to avoid conversation with the masked man slumped over in the corner. When Wilbur didn't offer me a response, I shook my head in annoyance before grabbing the last beer from the pile Will had collected for the two of them earlier.

A bit pissed off by the silent treatment Wilbur was giving me, I decided that it would be best if I didn't sit with the boys, so instead, I made my way over to the cave wall a little further down the cavern and I leant against it, quickly pouring some of the scorching liquid down my throat. I decided I was going to savour the bottle, not really in the mood to get drunk. I sat there for a while, twirling the dark liquid around in the bottle as I contemplated pretty much everything that I had ever done.

Soon enough the cold started nibbling away at my skin, leaving goosebumps littering my arms and a chill creeping up my back. Part of me wanted to go over and sit with the boys by the fire just so I could feel some sort of warmth but at the same time, I didn't want to deal with Wilbur's shit mood. He always was a grumpy drunk.

Staring at the fire for a moment too long, I realised the distant chatter between the two boys stopped and they'd both turned to face me, one seemingly a lot happier than the other.
"Come sit with us Y/N. You look cold."
Rolling my eyes as Dreams drunken giggles echoed throughout the cave, I stood up and started to make my way over to him and Wilbur, who remained silent.

I made sure to keep my distance from the pair even after I sat down, which Dream didn't seem to mind. Wilbur on the other hand got to his feet almost as soon as I sat down, saying that he had to go get something before hurrying off. Sighing, I shuffled closer to the fire, subconsciously watching the flames dance across Dream's mask. I was only snapped out of my haze when he lifted it up ever so slightly to have yet another sip of his beer.

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